List of publications

1.                   M.Leplawy, W.J.Stec: Introduction of a t-Butyloxycarbonyl Protective Group into Amino Acid Esters by Means of t-Butyl Cyano-formate. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.chim., 12, 21 (1964)

2.                   J.Michalski, W.J.Stec, A.Zwierzak: Thermal Isomerisation of Tetra-alkyl Hypophosphates. An Example of PV®PIII Rearrangement. Chem.Ind. (London), 1965, 347.

3.                   J.Michalski, W.J.Stec, A.Zwierzak: Studies on some Reations Leading to Tetra-alkyl Monothiohypophosphates. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.chim., 13, 677 (1965)

4.                   J.Michalski, W.J.Stec, A.Zwierzak: Symmetrical Dialkyl Dihydrogen Hypophosphates. Chem.Ind. (London), (1966), 856

5.                   J.Michalski, W.J.Stec, A.Zwierzak: Anionic Dealkylation of Tetra-alkyl Hypophosphates. New Route to S-Dialkyl Dihydrogen Hypophosphates. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.Chim., 14, 843 (1966).

6.                   W.J.Stec, A.Zwierzak: Cyclic Organophosphorus Compounds. II. Some Sterically Hindered Cyclic Hypophosphate Systems and Related Compounds. Can.J.Chem., 45, 2513 (1967)

7.                   W.J.Stec, A.Zwierzak, J.Michalski: Darstellung von Anhydriden der Phosphorsaure und Thiophosphorsaure aus Natriumdialkylphosphiten und Schwefeldioxyd. Tetrahedron Lett., 1968, 5873.

8.                   J.Wieczorkowski, A.Zwierzak, J.Michalski, E.Maruszewska, Wieczorkowska, W.J.Stec: Studies on the Synthesis of Vinyl Phosphonates and Their Bromo-adducts. Prace IPO, 1, 222 (1969) (in Polish).

9.                   W.J.Stec, A.Zwierzak, J.Michalski: Studies on the Reactions of Dialkyl Phosphites with Dialkyl Phosphorochloridates in the Presence of Tertiary Amines. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.chim., 17, 587 (1969).

10.               W.J.Stec, A.Zwierzak, J.Michalski: Reaction Between Sodium Dialkyl Phosphites and Dialkyl Phosphorochloridates. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.Chim., 18, 23 (1970)

11.               W.J.Stec, J.Michalski: Volatile Complexes of Trialkyl Phosphates and Alkylphosphonates with Protic Acids. Z.Naturforsch., 25b, 554 (1970).

12.               R.K.Harris, J.R.Woplin, W.J.Stec: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Coupling Constants for a Bis(dioxaphosphorinanyl). J.Chem.Soc., Chem.Commun., 1970, 1391

13.               J.Michalski, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry of Oxidation of Organophosphorus Thiono-compounds and PIII Compounds by Nitric Acid and Dinitrogen Tetroxide. J.Chem.Soc., Chem.Commun., 1970, 1495

14.               A.Zwierzak, J.Michalski, R.Bodalski, W.J.Stec, J.Wieczorkowski: Studies on the Synthesis of Structural Analogues of Chlorphenvinphos. Prace IPO, 2, 101 (1970) (in Polish).

15.               W.J.Stec, A.Okruszek, J.Michalski: Optically Active Selenoxomethylphenyl-propylphosphoranes and Their Transformations. Angew.Chem., 83, 491 (1971)

16.               W.J.Stec, A.Okruszek, M.Mikołajczyk: Stereochemistry of Oxidation of Thiophosphoryl Group in 1,3,2‑Dioxaphosphorinanes. Z.Naturforsch., 26b, 855 (1971)

17.               W.E.Morgan, W.J.Stec,, R.Albridge, J.R.Van Wazer: p-Bond Feedback Interpretated from the Binding Energy of "2p" Electrons of  Phosphorus. Inorg.Chem., 10, 926 (1971)

18.               W.J.Stec, W.E.Moddeman, R.G.Albridge, J.R.Van Wazer: A Study of Phosphorus-Sulfur Compounds by Inner‑Orbital Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Thiono-Thiolo Sulfur. J.Phys.Chem., 75, 3975 (1971)

19.               W.J.Stec, N.Goddard, J.R.Van Wazer: Effect of P-H Deuterium Substitution on the 31P NMR of Several Dialkyl Phosphonates. J.Phys.Chem., 75, 3547 (1971)

20.               W.J.Stec, W.E.Morgan, R.G.Albridge, J.R.Van Wazer: Measured Binding Energy Shifts of the "3p" and "3d" Electrons in Arsenic Compounds. Inorg.Chem., 11, 219 (1972)

21.               W.J.Stec, W.E.Morgan, J.R.Van Wazer, W.G.Proctor: Inner-orbital Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Several Pairs of Similar Phosphorus Compounds. J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem., 34(3), 1100 (1972)

22.               W.J.Stec, J.R.Van Wazer, N.Goddard: Influence of Protonic Solvents on Spin-Spin Coupling Involving Phosphorus Directly Bonded to Hydrogen, Fluorine, or Another Phosphorus in Phosphoryl and Thiophosphoryl Molecules. J.Chem.Soc., Perkin Trans.II, 1972, 463

23.               W.J.Stec: Interactions Between Sodium Sialkylphosphites and Sulfur Chloride or Sulfurdioxide (in Russian). Khimia i Primienienije Fosfororganitcheskich Sojedinienii Trudy IV Kazanskoj Konferencji, Ed. "Nauka", Moskwa 1972, p.121

24.               W.J.Stec, A.Okruszek, B.Uznański, J.Michalski: Nuclear Spin-Spin Coupling Between Directly Bonded 31Phosphorus  and 77Selenium. Phosphorus, 2, 97 (1972)

25.               J.Michalski, W.J.Stec: Chemie und Stereochemie Schwefel- und Selenhaltiger Organischer Phosphorverbindungen. Chem.Zeitung., 96, 499 (1972)

26.               W.J.Stec, M.Mikołajczyk: Stereochemistry of Organophosphorus Cyclic Compounds‑II. Stereospecific Synthesis of cis- and trans-2-Halogeno-2-oxo-4-methyl-1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinans and Their Chemical Transformations. Tetrahedron, 29, 539 (1973)

27.               W.J.Stec, A.Łopusiński:  Stereochemistry of Organophosphorus Cyclic Compounds‑III. The Stereospecific Synthesis of cis- and trans-2-N-Phenylamino-2-oxo-4-methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinans. Tetrahedron, 29, 547 (1973).

28.               W.E.Morgan, J.R.Van Wazer, W.J.Stec: Inner Orbital Photoelectron Spectroscopy of the Alkali Metal Halides, Perchlorates, Phosphates and Pyrophosphates. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 95(3), 751 (1973).

29.               W.J.Stec, B.Uznański, J.Michalski: The Synthesis and Stereochemical Transformations of 2-Hydrogen-4-methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinan. Phosphorus, 3, 237 (1973)

30.               W.J.Stec, B.Uznański, J.Michalski: Assignment of the cis-trans-Geometry in Diastereoisomeric 2-Thiono- and 2-Seleno-2-hydrogen-4-methyl-1,3-2-dioxaphosphorinans. Phosphorus, 3, 235 (1973)

31.               W.J.Stec, A.Okruszek, J.Michalski: Stereochemistry of Oxidation of PIII Compounds with Amine N‑Oxides. Equatorial Preference of N,N-Dimethylamino Group in 4-Methyl-1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinanyl Ring System. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.Chim., 21, 445 (1973)

32.               W.J.Stec: Organophosphorus Compounds of Sulphur and Selenium. 1. Stereochemistry of Silver ion Promoted Solvolysis of Some Halogenoanhydrides and Thioloesters of Organophosphorus Acids. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.Chim., 21, 709 (1973)

33.               W.E.Morgan, W.J.Stec, J.R.Van Wazer: Inner-Orbital Binding-Energy Shifts of Antimony and Bismuth Compounds. Inorganic Chemistry, 12, 953 (1973)

34.               W.J.Stec, A.Okruszek, B.Uznański, J.Michalski: Spin-Spin Coupling Interactions Between 31P and 77Se. (in Polish). Materiały VI Ogólnopolskiego Seminarium MRJ i jego Zastosowań - Kraków, grudzień 1973, p. 289

35.               W.J.Stec: Heteronuclear Spin-Spin Coupling Constants Between Directly Bonded Atoms as a Probe of Configuration at Phosphorus Atom Involved in Diastereoisomeric 4-Methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinans. Z.Naturforsch., 29b, 109 (1974)

36.               A.Cogne, A.Guimaraes, J.Martin, R.Nordin, J.B.Robert, W.J.Stec: Etude par Resonance Magnetique Nucleaire de Dioxaphosphorinanes-1,3,2- a Liaison P-N Extracyclique. Example de Changement d'Orientation de la Liaison P-N. Organic Magnetic Resonance, 6, 629 (1974)

37.               W.J.Stec, A.Konopka, B.Uznański: Synthesis of a Dialkyl Phosphoroisocyanidate. J.Chem.Soc., Chem.Commun., 1974, 923

38.               W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry of Six-Membered cyclic Phosphates. Synthesis and Stereospecific Rearrangements of 4-Methyl-1.3.2-dioxaphosphorinanes. (in Russian). Khimia i Primienienije Fosforoorganitcheskich Sojedinienij, Trudy Piatoj Konferencji. Ed. Nauka, Moscow 1974, p. 351

39.               A.Łopusiński, J.Michalski, W.J.Stec: A New Route to Phosphoro- and Phosphinothiocyanatidates. Angew.Chem., 87, 134 (1975)

40.               A.Łopusiński, J.Michalski, W.J.Stec: Synthesis and Properties of Diastereoisomeric 2-Isothiocyano-2-oxo-4-methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinans. The Role of Nucleophilic Catalysis in Their Epimerisation. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.Chim., 23, 229 (1975)

41.               A.Łopusiński, J.Michalski, W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry of Thiocyano-Isothiocyano Rearrangement >P(O)SCN®>P(O)NCS in 2-Oxo-4-methyl-1,3,2- dioxaphosphorinanyl Ring System. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.Chim., 23, 235 (1975)

42.               W.J.Stec, B.Zielińska, J.R.Van Wazer: Electron-Impact-Induced Rearrangement of Organic Hypophosphates. Organic Mass Spectrometry, 10, 485 (1975)

43.               T.J.Bartczak, A.Christensen, R.W.Kinas, W.J.Stec: Synthesis and cis-trans-Geometry Assignment in Diastereoisomeric 2-t-Butylamino-4-methyl-1,3,2- dioxaphosphorinans and Their 2-Seleno Derivatives. Tetrahedron Lett., 1975, 3243

44.               W.J.Stec, T.Sudol, B.Uznański: Deselenization of Dialkyl Phosphoroisoselenocyanatidite. J.Chem.Soc., Chem.Commun., 1975, 467

45.               W.J.Stec, A.Okruszek: Axial Preference of a 2-Anilino-Substituent in the 4-Methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinan. J.Chem.Soc., Perkin I, 1975, 1828

46.               W.J.Stec, K.Lesiak, D.Mielczarek, B.Stec: Assignment of cis-trans-Geometry in Diastereoisomeric 2-Benzyl-4-ethyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinans and their 2-oxo- and 2-seleno-derivatives. Z.Naturforsch., 30b, 710 (1975)

47.               K.Lesiak, B.Uznański, W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry of the Michaelis-Becker Reaction of cis- and trans-2-Hydro-2-oxo-4-methyl-1.3.2-dioxaphosphorinan with Methyl Iodide. Phosphorus, 6, 65 (1975)

48.               T.J.Bartczak, A.Christensen, R.W.Kinas, W.J.Stec: Cis-2-t-Butylamino-2-seleno-4-methyl-1,3,2- dioxaphosphorinan, C8H18NO2PSe. Cryst.Struct. Commun. (Parma, Italy), 4, 701 (1975)

49.               W.J.Stec, K.Lesiak, M.Sudol: Reaction of Carbonyl Isothio (seleno)cyanates with Trivalent Phosphorus Esters. Synthesis, 1975, 785

50.               B.Uznański, W.J.Stec: Synthesis of Dialkyl Phosphorocyanidites. Axial Preference of the P-Cyano Group in the 1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinane Ring System. Synthesis, 1975, 735

51.               W.J.Stec, B.Uznański, D.Houalla, R. Wolf : Sur Quelques Reactions du Dineopento-xyphosphanne. C.R.Acad.Sc. Paris, t.281, Serie C-727 (3 Novembre 1975)

52.               R.W.Kinas, K.Pankiewicz, W.J.Stec: The Synthesis of Enantiomeric Cyclophosphamides. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.Chim., 23, 981 (1975)

53.               A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Axial Preference of Methylthio Substituent in Dioxaphosphorinanyl Ring System. Z.Naturforsch., 30, 430 (1975)

54.               W.J.Stec, A.Okruszek, K.Lesiak, B.Uznański, J.Michalski: New Synthesis of S(Se)-Alkylphosphorothio(seleno)lates from the Corresponding Phosphoroanilidates. Stereospecific Cleavage of the Phosphorus-Nitrogen Bond in Chiral Phosphoroanilidates. J.Org.Chem., 41, 227 (1976)

55.               W.J.Stec, A.Okruszek, J.Michalski: Organophosphorus Compounds of Sulphur and Selenium. Stereochemistry of Oxidation of Thiono- and Selenophosphoryl Compounds with Hydrogen Peroxide. J.Org.Chem., 41, 233 (1976)

56.               T.J.Bartczak, A.Christensen, R.W.Kinas, W.J.Stec: Trans-2-t-Butylamino-2-Seleno-4-Methyl-1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinan, C8H18NO2PSe. Cryst.Struct.Commun., 5, 21 (1976)

57.               A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: The Axial Preference of Fluorine Atom in 2-Fluoro-4‑methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinanyl Ring System. Z.Naturforsch., 31b, 354 (1976)

58.               W.J.Stec, B.Uznański, K.Bruzik, J.Michalski: Protic Acid Catalyzed Thiono-Thiolo Rearrangement of Phosphorus Esters. J.Org.Chem., 41, 1291 (1976)

59.               W.J.Stec, R.W.Kinas, A.Okruszek: Configurational Assignments to 2-X-2-Y-4-Methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinans. Z.Naturforsch., 31b, 393 (1976)

60.               P.J.Cox, P.B.Farmer, M.Jarman, M.Jones, W.J.Stec, R.W.Kinas: Observations on the Differential Metabolism and Biological Activity of the Optical  Isomers of Cyclophosphamide. Biochemical Pharmacology, 25, 993 (1976)

61.               W.S.Zieliński, Z.J.Leśnikowski, W.J.Stec: New Approach to the Synthesis of Nucleoside Phosphorothioates. J.Chem.Soc. Chem.Commun., 1976, 772

62.               J.Michalski, A.Łopusiński, W.J.Stec, E.Fluck: Inhibitor-Effekt von BF3 auf die Umlagerung von O=P-SCN in O=P-NCS. Z.Naturforsch., 31b, 1431 (1976)

63.               W.J.Stec, K.Lesiak: A Novel Route to 1-Aminoalkylphosphonic Acids. J.Org.Chem., 41, 3757 (1976)

64.               R.W.Kinas, K.Pankiewicz, W.J.Stec, P.B.Farmer, A.B.Foster, M.Jarman: Synthesis and Absolute Configuration of the Optically Active Forms of 2-[Bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]-4-methyltetrahydro-2H-1,3,2-oxazaphosphorine 2-Oxide (4-Methylcyclophosphamide). J.Org.Chem., 42, 1650 (1977)

65.               A.Łopusiński, J.Michalski, W.J.Stec: Synthese, Chemie und Stereochemie von Phosphororganischer Thiocyanate >P(X)SCN und Isothiocyanate >P(X)NCS; Umlagerung der Thio- in die Isothiocyanate. Liebigs Ann.Chem., 1977, 924

66.               D.A.Adamiak, R.W.Kinas, W.Saenger, W.J.Stec: Absolute Configuration des Cancerostaticums S(-)-Cyclophosphamid. Angew.Chem., 89, 336 (1977)

67.               P.B.Farmer, M.Jarman, T.Facchinetti, K.Pankiewicz, W.J.Stec: The Metabolism and Antitumour Activity of the Enantiomers of cis- and trans-4-Methylcyclophosphamide. Chem.Biol.Interactions, 18, 47 (1977)

68.               P.J.Cox, P.B.Farmer, A.B.Foster, L.J.Griggs, M.Jarman, R.W.Kinas, K.Pankiewicz, W.J.Stec: Application of Deuterium Labelling Mass Spectrometry in a Study of the Metabolism of the Enantiomers of Cyclophosphamide. Biochemical Mass Spectrometry, 4, 371 (1977)

69.               W.J.Stec, A.Okruszek: Mechanism of the Reaction Between Tertiary Phosphines and Hydroxylamine Derivatives. J.Chem.Research (S), 1977, 142

70.               A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec, R.K.Harris: The Axial/Equatorial Preferences of the Diphenylphosphino Group Bonded to the Phosphorus of a 2-Oxo-1,3,2- dioxaphosphorina-nyl Ring. Organic Magnetic Resonance, 9, 497 (1977)

71.               K.Lesiak W.J.Stec: Synthesis of Asymmetric S,S,S-Trialkyl Phosphorotrithioates. Synthetic Communications, 1977, 339

72.               Z.Galdecki, M.L.Glówka, J.Michalski, A.Okruszek W.J.Stec: P-Methyl-P-phenylpropyl-phosphine Selenide. Acta Cryst., B33, 2322 (1977)

73.               D.A.Adamiak, W.Saenger, R.W.Kinas, W.J.Stec: X-Ray-Diffraction Study and Determination of Absolute Configuration of the Anticancer Drug S(-)Cyclophosphamide (Endoxan, Cytoxan, NSC-26271).  Z.Naturforsch., 32c, 672 (1977)

74.               W.S.Zieliński, W.J.Stec: Stereospecific Synthesis of Thymidine Cyclic 3',5'-SP- and -RP-Phosphorothioates. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 99, 8365 (1977)

75.               B.Zielińska, W.J.Stec: Mass Spectrometric Fragmentation of some Diastereoisomeric 4-Methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinanes. Organic Mass Spectrometry, 13, 65 (1978)

76.               A.Kotyński, W.J.Stec: Synthesis of Enantiomers of 1-Amino-2-phenylethylphosphonic Acid. J.Chem.Research, (S), 1978, 41

77.               R.W.Kinas, K.Pankiewicz, W.J.Stec, P.B.Farmer, A.B.Foster, M.Jarman: The Synthesis of the Optical Isomers of 2-(2-chloroethylamino)-3-(2-Chloroethyl) tetrahydro-2H-1,3,2-oxazaphosphorinane 2-Oxide (Isophosphamide). Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.Chim., 26, 39 (1978)

78.               B.Uznański, W.J.Stec: An Improved Preparation of Trimethylsilyl Cyanide. Synthesis, 1978, 154

79.               R.W.Kinas, W.J.Stec, C.Kruger: The Molecular Structure of cis-2-t-Butylamino-2-seleno-4,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinane. An Example of the Twist-Boat Conformation. Phosphorus & Sulphur, 4, 295 (1978)

80.               A.Kotyński, W.J.Stec: Synthesis of 1-Aminoethylphosphonic Acid. Pol.J.Chem., 52, 659 (1978)

81.               B.Krzyżanowska, W.J.Stec: A New Approach to the Synthesis of Primary Amines, Isothiocyanates, and 1-Aminoalkanephosphonates via N-Phosphinyl Aldoximes and Ketoximes. Synthesis, 1978, 521

82.               Z.H.Kudzin, W.J.Stec: Synthesis of 1-Aminoalkanephosphonates via Thioureidoalkane-phosphonates. Synthesis, 1978, 469

83.               E.A.Ishmaeva, I.I.Pacanovski, W.J.Stec, B.Uznański, A.N.Pudovik: Polarity, Polarizability and Conformation of Phosphorocyanatidies. Dokl.Acad.Nauk SSSR, 240(6), 1361 (1978)

84.               K.Lesiak, W.J.Stec: The Stereochemistry of P-N Bond Cleavage in the Staudinger-Wittig-type Reaction of 2-Anilido-3,4-dimethyl-5-phenyl-1,3,2-oxazaphospholidine-2-thiones. Z.Naturforsch., 33b, 782 (1978)

85.               Z.J.Leśnikowski, W.J.Stec, W.S.Zieliński: Synthesis of P-Enantiomeric Deoxyadenosine Cyclic 3,5-Phosphorothioates. Nucleic Acids Res., Special Publication No. 4, 49 (1978)

86.               G.Abel, P.J.Cox, P.B.Farmer, N.J.Haskins, M.Jarman, K.Merai, W.J.Stec: Isolation and Identification of a Metabolic Intermediate in the Selective Dechloroethylation on One of the Four Stereoisomeric of 4-Methyl-cyclophosphamide. Cancer Res., 38, 2592 (1978)

87.               W.J.Stec, B.Uznański: Synthesis of Dialkyl Phosphoroselenocyanatidates and Their Rearrangement to Dialkyl Phosphoroisoselenocyanatidates. Synthetic Commun., 8, 473 (1978)

88.               Z.J.Leśnikowski, J.Smrt, W.J.Stec, W.S.Zieliński: A New Route to O,O-Dinucleoside Esters of Phosphorothionic Acid. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.Chim., 26, 661 (1978)

89.               R.A.V.Milsted, M.Jarman, J.F.Smyth, R.W.Kinas, K.Pankiewicz, W.J.Stec: Comparative Metabolism of Cyclophosphamide and its Enantiomers in Man. Proc.Amer.Assoc.Cancer Res., 19, 50 (1978)

90.               P.J.Cox, P.B.Farmer, M.Jarman, R.W.Kinas, W.J.Stec: Stereoselectivity in the Metabolism of the Enantiomers of Cyclophosphamide in Mice, Rats and Rabbits. Drug Metabolism Disp., 6, 617 (1978)

91.               M.Jarman, R.A.V.Milsted, J.F.Smyth, R.W.Kinas, K.Pankiewicz, W.J.Stec: Comparative Metabolism of 2[Bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]-tetrahydro-2H-1,3,2-oxazaphosphorine-2-oxide (Cyclophosphamide) and Its Enantiomers in Humans. Cancer Res., 39, 2762 (1979)

92.               K.Lesiak, W.J.Stec, W.S.Zieliński: Synthesis of 5'-O-(R,S)-(1-Aminoethane-1-phosphonyl)-uridine and -Adenosine. Pol.J.Chem., 53, 327 (1979)

93.               K.Lesiak, Z.J.Leśnikowski, W.J.Stec, B.Zielińska: A New Approach to Syntheses of Organic Phosphoroselenoates and Phosphorodiselenoates. Proof of Absolute Configuration Assignment in Enantiomers of cTMPS. Pol.J.Chem., 53, 2041 (1979)

94.               J.Baraniak, K.Lesiak, W.J.Stec: Assignment of Absolute Configuration at Phosphorus in Diastereoisomeric Adenosine 3',5'-Cyclic Phosphorothioates (cAMPS). Pol.J.Chem., 53, 1387 (1979)

95.               J.Baraniak, R.W.Kinas, K.Lesiak, W.J.Stec: Stereospecific Synthesis of Adenosine 3',5'-(SP)- and -(RP)-Cyclic Phosphorothioates (cAMPS). J.Chem.Soc., Chem.Commun., 1979, 940

96.               K.Pankiewicz, R.W.Kinas, W.J.Stec, A.B.Foster, M.Jarman, J.M.S.Van Maanen: Synthesis and Absolute Configuration Assignments of Enantiomeric Forms of Ifosphamide, Sulfosphamide and Trofosphamide. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 101, 7712 (1979)

97.               K.Bruzik, W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry of Thiono-Thiolo Rearrangement of Phosphorothioic Esters. 2. J.Org.Chem., 44, 4488 (1979)

98.               P.M.J.Burgers, F.Eckstein, D.H.Hunneman, J.Baraniak, R.W.Kinas, K.Lesiak, W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry of Hydrolysis of Adenosine 3',5'-Cyclic Phosphorothioate by the Cyclic Phosphodiesterase from Beef Heart. J.Biol.Chem., 254 (20), 9959 (1979)

99.               M.Jarman, P.J.Cox, P.B.Farmer, A.B.Foster, R.A.V.Milsted, R.W.Kinas, W.J.Stec: The Use of Deuterium-Labeled Analogs in a Study of the Metabolism of the Enantiomers of Cyclophosphamide "Stable Isotopes". Preceedings of the Third International Conference, Ed. E.R.Klein and D.Klein, Academic Press, New York, 1979, p. 363‑370

100.            M.Jarman, W.J.Stec: Formation of Diastereoisomeric Derivatives from the Enantiomers of the Antitumor Agent Cyclophosphamide by Reaction with 1-Phenethyl Alcohol, and Their Separation by thin-layer Chromatography. J.Chromatogr., 176, 440 (1979)

101.            A.Kotyński, K.Lesiak, W.J.Stec: New Synthesis and Assignment of Absolute Configuration of Enantiomers of O,S-Dimethyl Phosphorodithioate. Pol.J.Chem., 53, 2403 (1979)

102.            W.J.Stec, W.S.Zielinski: 31P-15N Spin-Spin Coupling as a Probe for the Assignment of Absolute Configuration in RP- and SP-Thymidine Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphordimethylamidates. Tetrahedron Lett., 21, 1361 (1980)

103.            Z.J.Leśnikowski, W.J.Stec, W.S.Zieliński: Thymidine 3'-(2-Chlorophenyl) phosphoranilidate as a Key Intermediate in the Synthesis of Tetrathymidylic Acid bearing Phosphoryl or Phosphorothioyl End Groups. Synthesis,  1980, 397

104.            W.J.Stec, B.Zielinska, B.Van de Graaf: Studies on the Mechanism of Electron Impact Induced SH Radical Loss from the Diastereoisomeric 2-Dimethylamino-2-thiono-4-methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinanes. Org.Mass Spectrom., 15, 105 (1980)

105.            K.Bruzik, A.R.Katritzky, J.Michalski, W.J.Stec: 31P NMR Reinvestigation of Iodine-Oxidation Process of Dialkyl Phosphoroselenothioates. J.Pol.Chem., 54, 141 (1980)

106.            D.A.Adamiak, M.Gdaniec, K.Pankiewicz, W.J.Stec: Absolute Configuration of the Cancerostatic S(-)-Isophosphamide. Angew.Chem., 19, 549 (1980)

107.            J.Baraniak, K.Lesiak, M.Sochacki, W.J.Stec: Stereospecific Synthesis of Cyclic Adenosine 3',5'-(SP)-Cyclic[18O]-Phosphate. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 102, 4533 (1980)

108.            Z.H.Kudzin, W.J.Stec: Phosphohomocysteine Derivatives. Synthesis, 1980, 1032

109.            W.Niewiarowski, W.J.Stec, W.S.Zieliński: Synthesis of 4-Nitrophenyl Esters of Thymidine 3'-Phosphate and 3'-Phosphorothioate using a New Phosphorylating Agent. J.Chem.Soc. Chem.Commun., 1980, 524

110.            W.J.Stec: Chiral Anticancer Oxazaphosphorinanes-Stereospecific Synthesis, Configurational Assignments and Biological Evaluations. "Phosphorus Chemistry Directed Towards Biology", Edited by W.J.Stec, Pergamon Press, Oxford & New York, 1980, 95

111.            Z.J.Leśnikowski, W.J.Stec, B.Zielińska: Some Aspects of the Electron Impact Induced Fragmentation of Diastereoisomeric Thymidine Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphoranilidothioates. Org.Mass Spectrom., 15, 454 (1980)

112.            A.Ejchart, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec, K.Wróblewski, P.Oleski: Zróżnicowanie czasów relaksacji podłużnej T1 Jądra 31P w diastereoizomerycznych 1,3,2-dioksafosforinanch (in Polish). Materiały XIII Ogólnopolskiego Seminarium nt.: "Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jądrowego i jego Zastosowań", Kraków, 1-2 grudnia 1980, p.216.

113.            K.Bruzik, W.J.Stec: Thiono-Thiolo Rearrangement and Solvolysis of the Secondary Alkyl Phosphorothioates. 3. J.Org.Chem., 46, 1618 (1981)

114.            K.Bruzik, W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry and Product Distribution in the Thiono-Thiolo Rearrangement of Phosphorothioic Esters. 4. Role of  Leaving-Group Solvation. J.Org.Chem., 46, 1625 (1981)

115.            K.Misiura, K.Pankiewicz, W.J.Stec, M.Jarman: The Synthesis of Enantiomers of 4-Ketocyclophosphamide. Experientia, 37, 216 (1981)

116.            Z.J.Leśnikowski, W.J.Stec, W.S.Zieliński, D.Adamiak, W.Saenger: Crystallographic Assessment of Absolute Configuration in 2'-Deoxyadenosine Cyclic 3',5'-(RP)-Phosphoranilidate. Direct 31P-15N Spin-Spin Coupling as a Probe for Configurational Assessment. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 103, 2862 (1981)

117.            Ch.Erneux, D.Couchie, J.E.Dumont, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec, E.G.Abbad, G.Petridis, B.Jastorff: Specificity of Cyclic GMP Activation of a Multi-Substrate Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase from Rat Liver. Eur.J.Biochem., 115, 503 (1981)

118.            K.Bruzik, W.J.Stec, D.Houalla, R.Wolf: Bicyclic Phosphoranes with PH2 group: Stable Tautomers and Potential Precursors of Cyclic Dialkoxyphosphanes. J.Chem.Res.(S)., 1981, 348;

119.            K.Bruzik, W.J.Stec, D.Houalla, R.Wolf: Phosphoranes Bicycliques Possedant le Groupement PH2: Tautomeres Stables et Precurseurs Potentiels de Dialcoxyphosphanes Cycliques. J.Chem.Soc.(M)., 1981, 4036

120.            J.Baraniak, Z.J.Leśnikowski W.Niewiarowski, W.S.Zieliński, W.J.Stec: Stereospecific Synthesis and Assignment of Absolute Configuration at Phosphorus in Nucleoside 3'- and 5'-O-Arylphosphorothioates and Nucleoside Cyclic 3',5'- Phosphorothioates. Proceedings of the International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, L.D.Quin and J.G.Verkade, Eds., ACS Symposium Series 171, ACS, Washington, D,C., 1981, p.77-81

121.            B.Jastorff, E.G.Abbad, G.Petridis, W.Tegge, Wit, C.Erneux, W.J.Stec, M.Morr: Systematic Use of Cyclic Nucleotide Analogues - Mapping of Essential Interactions Between Nucleotides and Proteins. Nucleic Acids Res., Symposium Series No 9, p.219 (1981)

122.            W.J.Stec: Conversion of Organic Phosphoramidates into Corresponding Phosphorothioates and Phosphoroselenoates (in Russian). Khimia i Primienienije Fosfororganitcheskich Sojedinienij, A.V.Kirsanov-Editor, "Naukova Dumka", Kiev 1981, p.281

123.            W.J.Stec, B.Uznański: O,O-Dialkyl Phosphoroselenocyanatidate: Synthesis and Chemical Reactions. (in Russian). Khimia i Primienienije Fosfororganitcheskich Sojedinienij, A.V.Kirsanov, Ed., "Naukova Dumka", Kiev 1981, p. 357

124.            B.Krzyżanowska, W.J.Stec: A Study of the Synthesis of Optically Active Amines from Prochiral N-Phosphinylimines. Synthesis, 1982, 270

125.   Wit, J.Hoppe, W.J.Stec, J.Baraniak, B.Jastorff: Interaction of cAMP Derivatives with the "Stable" cAMP-Binding Site in the cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Type I. Eur.J.Biochem., 122, 95 (1982)

126.            R.S.Brody, S.Adler, P.Modrich, W.J.Stec, Z.J.Leśnikowski, P.A.Frey: Stereochemical Course of Nucleotidyl Transfer Catalyzed by Bacteriophage T7 Induced DNA Polymerase. Biochemistry, 21, 2570 (1982)

127.            R.L.Jarvest, G.Lowe, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec: A Stereochemical Investigation of the Hydrolysis of Cyclic AMP and the (SP)- and (RP)-Diastereoisomers of Adenosine 3',5'-Phosphorothioate by Bovine Heart and Baker’s-Yeast  Cyclic AMP Phosphodiesterases. Biochem.J., 203, 461 (1982)

128.            W.J.Stec: Cyclophosphamide and its Congeners. Chapter 8 in the Specialist Periodical Report on "Organophosphorus Chemistry", Vol.13, Royal Society of Chemistry, Ed. D.W.Hutchinson, London 1982, p.145

129.            W.J.Stec: cAMP Analogues-Synthesis and Applications for Elucidation of the Mode of Action of Phosphodiesterases and Adenylyl Cyclase (in Polish). Chemia Stosowana, 26, 185 (1982)

130.            B.Uznański, W.Niewiarowski, W.J.Stec: The Chemical Synthesis of the RP- and SP-Diastereomers of Thymidyl(3'-5')thymidyl O,O-Phosphorothioate. Tetrahedron Lett., 23(41), 4289 (1982)

131.            A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: The Stereochemistry of Reaction of P-Chiral Dialkyl Hydrogen Phosphorothioates with [18O]-Dimethyl Sulphoxide. Tetrahedron Lett., 23(49), 5203 (1982)

132.            J.Baraniak, P.Mejbaum, W.J.Stec: Diastereomeric Nucleoside Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphorothioates. The Synthesis and Configurational Assignments of Uridine and Cytidine Derivatives. Pol.J.Chem., 56, 441 (1982)

133.            S.N.Su, T.A.Keiderling, K.Misiura, W.J.Stec: Midinfrared Vibrational Circular Dichroism Studies of Cyclophosphamide and Its Congeners. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 104, 7343 (1982)

134.            C.A.O'Brian, S.A.Roczniak, H.N.Bramson, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec, E.T.Kaiser: A Kinetic Study of Interactions of (RP)- and (SP)-Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphorothioates with  Type II Bovine Cardiac Muscle Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphate Dependent Protein Kinase. Biochemistry, 21, 4371 (1982)

135.            K.Bruzik, W.J.Stec: Internal Recombination of the Ion-Pair and External Nucleophilic Attack in the Thiono-Thiolo Rearrangement of Benzyl Dialkylphosphorothioates. Part VI. Pol.J.Chem., 56, 753 (1982)

136.            K.Misiura, A.Okruszek, K.Pankiewicz, W.J.Stec, Z.Czownicki, B.Utracka: Stereospecific Synthesis of Chiral Metabolites of Ifosfamide and Their Determination in the Urine. J.Med.Chem., 26, 674 (1983)

137.            R.Coulson, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec, B.Jastorff: Transport and Metabolism of N6- and C8-Substituted Analogs of Adenosine 3',5'-Cyclic Monophosphate and Adenosine 3',5'-Cyclic Phosphorothioate by the Isolated Perfused Rat Kidney. Life Sciences, 32, 1489 (1983)

138.            W.J.Stec: Wadsworth-Emmons Reaction Revisited. Acc.Chem.Res., 16, 411 (1983)

139.            W.Gombler, R.W.Kinas, W.J.Stec: 31P-15N Coupling Constants and 15N/14N Isotope Effect on 31P NMR Chemical Shifts of 2-Phenylamino-2-oxo(-thioxo,-selenoxo)-4-methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinanes and Related Compounds. Z.Naturforsch., 38b, 815 (1983)

140.            P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Stereoretentive Conversion of Dialkyl Phosphorothioates into [18O]-Phosphates. Tetrahedron Lett., 24, 3899 (1983)

141.            Z.H.Kudzin, W.J.Stec: Phosphonocysteine and Phosphonohomocysteine; Synthesis and Isolation. Synthesis, 1983, 812

142.            J.D.Rothermel, W.J.Stec, J.Baraniak, B.Jastorff, L.H.P.Botelho: Inhibition of Glycogenolysis in Isolated Rat Hepatocytes by the RP Diastereomer of Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphorothioate. J.Biol. Chem., 258, 12125 (1983)

143.            H.Tchórzewski, W.Soszyńska, W.Andrzejewski, K.Pankiewicz, W.J.Stec: Comparative Study on the Immunosuppressive and Lympholytic Activity of Optical Isomers of  Cyclophosphamide. Archiv Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis, 31, 329 (1983)

144.            Z.J.Leśnikowski, W.Niewiarowski, W.S.Zieliński, W.J.Stec: 2'-Deoxyribonucleoside 3'-Aryl Phosphoranilidates - Key Intermediates in the Stereospecific Synthesis of  2'- Deoxyribo-nucleoside Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphorothioates and Dinucleoside (3',5')-Phosphorothioates. Tetrahedron, 40, 15 (1984)

145.            A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Stereoretentive Conversion of Cyclic Phosphorothioates into [18O]Phosphates using [18O]Chloral.  J.Chem.Soc. Chem.Commun., 1984, 117

146.            J.Baraniak, W.Reimschussel, J.Rudziński, W.J.Stec: Stereospecific Synthesis of Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-RP- and SP-Phosphoro[35S]Thioates. J.Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 21, 111 (1984)

147.            H.G.Scholubbers, P.H. van Knippenberg, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec, M.Morr, B.Jastorff: Investigations on Stimulation of lac Transcription in vivo in Escherichia coli by cAMP analogues. Biological Activities and Structure-activity Correlations. Eur.J.Biochem., 138, 101 (1984)

148.   Wit, D.Hekstra, B.Jastorff, W.J.Stec, J.Baraniak, R.Van Driel, P.J.M. Van Haastert: Inhibitory Action of Certain Cyclophosphate Derivatives of cAMP on cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinases. Eur.J. Biochem., 142, 255 (1984)

149.            W.J.Stec, G.Zon, W.Egan, B.Stec: Automated Solid-Phase Synthesis, Separation, and Stereochemistry of Phosphorothioate Analogues of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 106, 6077 (1984)

150.            P.J.M.Van Haastert, R.Van Driel, B.Jastorff, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec, Wit Competitive cAMP Antagonists for cAMP-Receptor Proteins. J.Biol.Chem., 259, 10020 (1984)

151.            W.J.Stec, G.Zon:Stereochemical Studies of the Formation of Chiral Internucleotide Linkages by Phosphoramidite Coupling in the Synthesis of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides. Tetrahedron Lett., 25(46), 5279 (1984)

152.            W.J.Stec, G.Zon: Synthesis, Separation, and Stereochemistry of Diastereomeric Oligodeoxyribonucleotides Having a 5'-Terminal Internucleotide Phosphorothioate Linkage. Tetrahedron Lett., 25(46), 5275 (1984)

153.            A.Okruszek, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Stereospecific Synthesis of P-Chiral Nucleoside is [18O]Phosphates via S-18O Exchange. Nucleic Acid Research, Symposium Series No 14, 1984, p.267

154.            S.J.Scheinman, W.J.Stec, R.Coulson: Effects of (SP)- and (RP)-Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphorothioates on Electrolyte Excretion by the Isolated Perfused Rat Kidney. Mineral and Electrolyte Metabolism, 11, 85 (1985)

155.            W.J.Stec, G.Zon, K.A.Gallo, R.A.Byrd, B.Uznanski, P.Guga: Synthesis and Absolute Configuration of P-Chiral O-Isopropyl Oligonucleotide Triesters. Tetrahedron Lett., 26, 4(18) 2191 (1985)

156.            K.Misiura, J.V.Silverton, W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry of P-N Bond Cleavage. First Crystal and Structural Assignment in Cyclic Phosphoramidofluoridates. J.Org.Chem., 50, 1815 (1985)

157.            P.Guga, A.Wilk, W.J.Stec: Stereoretentive Conversion of Dialkyl [18O]- Phosphoranilidates into Dialkyl Hydrogen [18O]-Phosphates. Tetrahedron Lett., 26(27), 3279 (1985)

158.            W.J.Stec, G.Zon: The Automated Synthesis of Phosphorothioate Analogues of Oligonucleotides. Separation of Diastereomer and Assignment of Absolute Configurations. Natural Products Chemistry 1984, Eds. R.I.Zalewski, J.J.Skolik, International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, Poznań 1985, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, PP. 495-510.

159.            W.J.Stec, G.Zon, B.Uznański: Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Diastereomeric Phosphorothioate Analogues of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides and Other Back-Bone-Modified Congeners of DNA. J.Chromatogr., 326, 263 (1985)

160.            W.J.Stec, G.Zon, W.Egan, R.A.Byrd, L.R.Phillips, K.A.Gallo: Solid-Phase Synthesis, Separation, and Stereochemical Aspects of P-Cchiral Methane- and 4,4'-Dimethoxytriphenylmethanephosphonate Analogues of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides. J.Org.Chem., 50, 3908 (1985)

161.            L.R.Phillips, K.A.Gallo, G.Zon, W.J.Stec, B.Uznanski: Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectra of O-Isopropyl-oligodeoxyribonucleotide Triesters. Org.Mass Spectrum., 20, 781 (1985)

162.            F.Kesbeke, J.Baraniak, R.Bulgakov, B.Jastorff, M.Morr, G.Petridis, W.J.Stec, F.Seela, P.J.M. Van Haastert: Cyclic Nucleotide Specificity of the Activator and Catalytic Sites of a cGMP-Stimulated cGMP-Phosphodiesterase from Distyostelium Discoideum. Eur.J.Biochem., 151, 179 (1985)

163.            J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec: Stereochemical Aspects of the Reaction of Dialkyl Phosphates with Amine in the Presence of Triphenylphosphine and Carbon Tetrachloride. Tetrahedron Lett., 26(36), 4379 (1985)

164.            A.Okruszek, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Direct Transformation of Ribonucleoside Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphorothioates into Cyclic 2',3'-Phosphates. J.Chem.Soc. Chem.Commun., 1985, 1225

165.            B.Uznański, W.Niewiarowski, W.J.Stec: Activity of Acid Deoxyribonuclease Towards Diastereoisomers of Thymidyl 3'-(4-Nitrophenyl phosphorothioate). Stereochemistry of Transnucleotidylation Reaction. J.Biol.Chem., 261, 592 (1986)

166.            T.J.Bartczak, Z.Gadecki, W.M.Wolf, K.Lesiak, W.J.Stec:Structure of 5,5-Dimethyl-2-ethylamino-1,3,2- dioxaphosphorinane 2-Selenide. Acta Cryst., C42, 244 (1986)

167.            B.Uznański, M.Koziołkiewicz, W.J.Stec, G.Zon, K.Shinozuka, L.G.Marzilli: New Components for Improved Solid-Phase Synthesis of Base- and Backbone-Modified Oligodeoxyribonucleotides. Chemica Scripta, 26, 221 (1986)

168.            M.Koziołkiewicz, B.Uznański, W.J.Stec, G.Zon: P-Chiral Analogues of Oligodeoxyribo-nucleotides: Synthesis, Stereochemistry and Enzyme Studies. Chemica Scripta, 26, 251 (1986)

169.            M.Koziołkiewicz, W.Niewiarowski, B.Uznański, W.J.Stec: Remote Control of Diastereoselectivity of DNase II and Endonuclease Eco RI Towards Phosphorothioate Analogues of Oligonucleotides. Phosphorus & Sulfur, 27, 81 (1986)

170.            K.S.Bruzik, G.Salamonczyk, W.J.Stec: A General Method for the Synthesis of Glycerophospholipids. J.Org.Chem., 51, 2368 (1986)

171.            J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec: Novel Observation on Base-Catalyzed Benzoylation of Dialkyl Phosphoranilidates. Phosphorus & Sulfur, 29, 115 (1986)

172.            H.Kuśnierczyk, C.Radzikowski, M.Paprocka, W.Budzyński, J.Rak, R.W.Kinas, K.Misiura, W.J.Stec: Antitumor Activity of Optical Isomers of Cyclophosphamide, Ifosfamide and Trofosfamide as Compared to Clinically used Racemates. J.Immunopharmacology, 8, 455 (1986)

173.            L.A.LaPlanche, T.L.James, C.Powell, W.D.Wilson, B.Uznański, W.J.Stec, M.F.Summers, G.Zon: Phosphorothioate-Modified Oligodeoxyribonucleotides. III. NMR and UV Spectroscopic Studies of the RP-RP, SP-SP and RP-Sp Duplexes, [d(GGsAATTCC)]2, Derived from Diastereomeric O-Ethyl Phosphorothioates. Nucleic Acids Research, 14, 9081 (1986)

174.            K.A.Gallo, K.-L.Shao, L.R.Phillips, J.B.Regan, M.Koziołkiewicz, B.Uznański, W.J.Stec, G.Zon: Alkyl Phosphotriester Modified Oligodeoxyribonucleotides. V. Synthesis and Absolute Configuration of Rp and Sp Diastereomers of an Ethyl Phosphotriester (Et) Modified EcoRI Recognition Sequence, d[GGAA(Et)TTCC]. A Synthetic Approach to Regio- and Stereospecific Ethylation-Interference Studies.  Nucleic Acids Research, 14, 7405 (1986)

175.            Van Haastert, F.Kesbeke, T.M.Konijn, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec, B.Jastorff: (RP)-cAMPS, and Antagonist of cAMP in Dictyostelium Discoideum "Biophosphates and Their Analogues - Synthesis, Structure, Metabolism and Activity". K.S.Bruzik and W.J.Stec, Editors. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1987, p.469-485

176.            G.Zon, M.F.Summers, K.A.Gallo, K.-L.Shao, M.Koziolkiewicz, B.Uznanski, W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry of Oligodeoxyribonucleotide Phosphotriesters "Biophosphates and Their Analogues ‑ Synthesis, Structure, Metabolism and Activity". K.S.Bruzik and W.J.Stec, Editors. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1987, p.165-178

177.            Z.J.Leśnikowski, P.J.Wolkanin, W.J.Stec: Determination of Absolute Configuration at Phosphorus in Diastereoisomers of Thymidyl(3',5')Thymidylyl Methanephosphonate. "Biophosphates and Their Analogues ‑ Synthesis, Structure, Metabolism and Activity". Eds. K.S.Bruzik and W.J.Stec, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1987, p.189-194

178.            A.Okruszek, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: P-Chiral Dialkyl [18O]-Phosphates and Monoalkyl [16O,17O,18O]-Phosphates. Stereospecific Reaction of Phosphorothioates with Styrene [18O]Oxide.  "Biophosphates and Their Analogues. Synthesis, Structure, Metabolism and Activity". K.S.Bruzik and W.J.Stec,, Editors. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1987, p.247-259

179.            B.Krzyżanowska, W.J.Stec: New P-Chiral Phosphates, Phosphorothioates and Phosphoroselenothioates. Phosphorus & Sulfur, 30, 287 (1987)

180.            T.A.Mastryukova, A.B.Ouryoupin, M.I.Kadyko, P.V.Petrovskii, M.I.Kabachnik, A.Okruszek, R.Kinas, W.J.Stec: Synthesis of Some Substituted 1,3,2-Oxazaphosphorinanes. Phosphorus & Sulfur, 30, no 3/4 (1987)

181.            A.Okruszek, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Novel Approach to the Synthesis of Isotopomeric Monoalkyl [16O,17O,18O]Phosphates. The Stereospecific One-Pot Conversion of (RP)-Thymidine 3'-(4-Nitrophenyl)Phosphorothioate into Isotopomeric (RP)-Thymidine 3'-[16O,17O,18O]-Phosphate. J.Chem.Soc., Chem.Commun., 1987, 594

182.            D.P.Lawrence, Ch.Wenquiao, G.Zon, B.Uznański, W.J.Stec, M.S.Broido: NMR Studies of Backbone-Alkylated DNA: Duplex Stability, Absolute Stereochemistry, and Chemical Shift Anomalies of Prototypal Isopropyl Phosphotriester Modified Octanucleotides, (RP,RP)- and (SP,SP)-{d-[GGA(iPr)ATTCC]}2 and -{d-[GGAA(iPr)TTCC]}2. J.Biomolec.Str.Dyn., 4, 757 (1987)

183.            P.Guga, M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Okruszek, B.Uznański, W.J.Stec: DNA Triesters - the Synthesis and Absolute Configuration Assignments at P-Stereogenic Centres. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 6, 111 (1987)

184.            J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec: Ribonucleoside Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphoramidates: Synthesis, Stereochemistry and Conversion into Ribonucleoside Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphorothioates and -[18O]Phosphates. J.Chem.Soc., Perkin Trans.I, 1987, 1645

185.            B.Uznański, A.Wilk, W.J.Stec: Deoxyribonucleoside 3'-Phosphordiamidites as Substrates for Solid Supported Synthesis of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides and Their Phosphorothioate and DNA-Triester Analogues. Tetrahedron Lett., 28(29), 3401 (1987)

186.            Z.J.Leśnikowski, M.Jaworska, W.J.Stec: A Simple Procedure for Synthesis of Diastereoisomers of Thymidine Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphate Derivatives. Nucleic Acids Res., Symposium Series No 18, 273-276 (1987)

187.            A.Wilk, W.J.Stec: Synthesis and Separation of Diastereoisomers of  5'-O-(4,4'-Dimethoxytri-methylphenyl)-dithymidyl(3',5')-4,4'-dimethoxytriphenylmethanephosphonate. Nucleic Acids Res., Symposium Series No 18, 289-292 (1987)

188.            Z.J.Leśnikowski, P.J.Wolkanin, W.J.Stec: Stereospecific Synthesis of (RP)- and (SP)-Thymidylyl(3',5')Thymidylyl Methanephosphonates. Tetrahedron Lett., 28(45), 5535 (1987)

189.            W.Niewiarowski, Z.J.Leśnikowski, A.Wilk, P.Guga, A.Okruszek, B.Uznański, W.J.Stec: Diastereomers of Thymidine 3'-O-(Methanephosphonothioate): Synthesis, Absolute Configuration, and Reaction with 3'-Methoxyacetylthymidine under Conditions of Triester Approach to Oligonucleotide Synthesis. Acta Biochim.Polon., 34, 217-231 (1987)

190.            K.Misiura, R.W.Kinas, W.J.Stec, H.Kuśnierczyk, Cz.Radzikowski, A.Sonoda: Synthesis and Antitumor Activity of Analogues of Ifosfamide Modified in the N-(2-Chloroethyl) Group.  J.Med.Chem., 31, 226 (1988)

191.            L.H.P.Botelho, L.C.Webster, J.D.Rothermel, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec: Inhibition of cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase by Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphorodithioate, a Second cAMP Antagonist. J.Biol.Chem., 263, 5301 (1988)

192.            K.S.Bruzik, W.J.Stec: Alkoxyphosphonium Salt Intermediates In the Thiono-Thiolo Rearrangement of Phosphylthionates in Protic Acid Media. Phosphorus & Sulfur, 35, 229 (1988)

193.            W.J.Stec: New Opportunities in Bioorganic Phosphorus Chemistry. Reviews on Heteroatom Chemistry, Vol 1, pp.367-389 (1988), Ed. S.Oae, Myu, Tokyo, 1988

194.            Z.J.Leśnikowski, M.Jaworska, W.J.Stec: Stereoselective Synthesis of P-Homochiral Oligo (thymidine methanephosphonates). Nucleic Acids Research, 16, 11675 (1988)

195.            M.Koziołkiewicz, B.Uznański, W.J.Stec: Phosphate-Modified Oligonucleotides. The Synthesis, Stereochemistry and EcoRI Endonuclease Substrate Ability of Decanucleotides d[GGGAATTCCC] Bearing Altered Internucleotide Phosphate Function Between A and A.  Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 8, 185 (1989)

196.            M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Wilk, A.Grajkowski, B.Uznański, W.J. Stec: Backbone-Modified Oligonucleotides Containing a Butanediol-1,3 Moiety as a "Vicarious Segment" for the Deoxyribosyl Moiety - Synthesis and Enzyme Studies. Nucleic Acids Research, 18(8), 2065 1990

197.            Z.J.Leśnikowski, M.Jaworska, W.J.Stec: Octa (thymidine methanephosphonates) of Partially defined Stereochemistry: Synthesis and Effect of Chirality at Phosphorus on Binding to Pentadecadeoxyadenylic Acid. Nucleic Acids Research, 18(8), 2109 1990

198.            M.Zembala, D.Kowalczyk, J.Pryjma, I.Ruggiero, B.Mytar, J.Kłysik, W.J.Stec: The Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor in the Regulation of Antigen Presentation by Human Monocytes. International Immunology, 2(4), 337 1990

199.            Cy A.Stein , P.L.Iversen, C.Subasinghe, J.S.Cohen, W.J.Stec, G.Zon: Preparation of 35S-Labeled Polyphosphorothioate Oligodeoxyribonucleotides by Use of Hydrogen Phosphonate Chemistry. Analytical Biochemistry, 188, 11 1990

200.            R.P.Iyer, B.Uznański, J.Boal, Ch.Ronald, W.Egan, M.Matsukura, S.Broder, G.Zon, A.Wilk, M.Koziołkiewicz, W.J.Stec: Abasic Oligodeoxyribonucleotide Phosphorothioates: Synthesis and Evaluation as Anti-HIV-1 Agents.Nucleic Acids Research, 18(10), 2855 1990

201.            K.S.Bruzik, W.J.Stec: Reversible Oxidation of Phosphylthioates and Phosphylselenoates with Trifluoroacetic Anhydride. J.Org.Chem., 55, 6131‑6135 1990

202.            B.Uznański, W.J.Stec: Thermal Intramolecular Isomerisation of 2-Isoselenocyano-5,5-dimethyl-1.3.2-dioxaphosphorinane into 2-cyano-2-selenono-5,5-dimethyl-1.3.2-dioxaphos-phorinane. (in Russian). Zhur.Obsh.Khim., 60, 1225‑1235 1990

203.            K.S.Bruzik, A.Grajkowski, Z.J.Leśnikowski, G.M.Salamonczyk, W.J.Stec: Conformation of Diastereomers of Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphorothioate. Nucleosides and Nucleotides, 9, 827-836 1990

204.            A.Okruszek, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Mechanism of Formation of Ribonucleoside Cyclic 2',3'- Phosphates in the Reaction of Appropriate 3',5'-Phosphorothioates with Epoxides. Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, 51/52, 373 1990

205.            R.W.Kinas, W.J.Stec: 31P NMR Kinetic Studies of Alkylation Chemistry of N,N'-Bis(2-chloroethyl)phosphordiamidic Acid and Its Congeners. Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, 51/52, 400 1990

206.            J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec: Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-(RP)- and (SP)-Phosphorothioates Stereospecific Synthesis of Diastereoisomeric Forms of Phosphorothioates. Nucleic Acid Chemistry, Improved and New Synthetic Procedures, Methods and Techniques, pt 4. Ed. Leroy B.Townsend and R.Stuart Tipson, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 325-331 1991

207.            J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec: Electrophilic Catalysis of N-O Phosphoryl Migration Tetrahedron Lett., 32, 137-140 1991

208.            B.Krzyżanowska, W.J.Stec: The Synthesis of P-chiral Optically Pure Phosphorothioates, Phosphorodithioates Phosphoroselenothioates, Methanephosphonothioates and Methylphenylphosphinothioates. Heteroatom Chemistry, 2, 123-139 1991

209.            Z.J.Leśnikowski, M.Jaworska-Maślanka, W.J.Stec: Stereospecific Synthesis of P-Chiral Di(2'-O-Deoxyribonucleoside)methanephosphonates. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 10(1-3), 733-736 1991

210.            A.Wilk, B.Uznański, W.J.Stec: Assignment of Absolute Configuration at Phosphorus in Dithymidylyl-(3',5')Phosphormorpholidates and –Phosphor-morpholidothioates. Nucleosides and Nucleotides, 10(1-3), 319 1991

211.            P.Knopik, K.B.Bruzik, W.J.Stec: An Improved Synthesis of 6-(Phosphorylcholine)hexanoic Acid. OPPI Briefs, 23(2), 214-216 1991

212.            J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec: N-Benzoyl O,O-Dialkyl Phosphoranilidates: Reaction with O- and N-Nucleophiles. Tetrahedron Letters, 32, 4193-4196 1991

213.            A.Joachimiak, M.Giel, J.E.Kłysik, W.J.Stec, J.Barciszewski: Crystals of Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor. Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci., Ser.sci.Biol., 39(1-3), 1991

214.            W.J.Stec: Novel method of Synthesis of Oligo(deoxyribonucleoside phosphorothioates). Nucleic Acids Symposium Series, No. 25, Sendai, Japan, October 1991, IRL Press, p. 171-172 1991

215.            A.Wilk, B.Uznański, W.J.Stec: Separation of [SP]-3'-O-(5'-dimethoxytritylthymidyl)-5'-O-(3'-camphanoylthymidyl)-O-methyl. Nucleic Acids Research Symposium Series, No.24, Moscow, USSR, June 1991, IRL Press, p.63-66.

216.            W.J.Stec, A.Grajkowski, M.Koziołkiewicz, B.Uznański: Novel Route to Oligo (deoxyribonucleoside phosphorothioates). Stereocontrolled Synthesis of P-Chiral Oligo (deoxyribonucleoside phosphorothioates). Nucleic Acids Research, 19, 5883-5888 1991

217.            G.Zon, W.J.Stec: Phosphorothioate Oligonucleotides, Chapter in "Oligonucleotides and Analogues: A Practical Approach", F.Eckstein (Ed.),  pp.87-108, IRL Press, London 1991

218.            W.J.Stec: Nowe Biotechnologie (in Polish). Nauka Polska, Nr 1 1991

219.            A.Okruszek, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry of the Reaction of Ribonucleoside Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphorothioates with Oxiranes. Heteroatom Chem., 2, 561-568 1991

220.            J.Klysik, A.Konarzewska-Zglińska, G.Gałązka, B.Uznański, A.Okruszek, P.Guga, A.Wilk, M.Koziołkiewicz, H.Tchórzewski, M.Zembala, W.J.Stec: Synthesis and Expression in E.coli of the Gene for Human Tumor Necrosis Factor. Archiv.Immunologiae et Ther.Exp., 39, 349-356, 1991

221.            M.Sidorkiewicz, J.Jaworski, G.Płucienniczak, A.Płucienniczak, P.Stępień, B.Kalinowska, S.Karwowska, A.Nowosławski, B.Uznański, A.Wilk, P.Guga, M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Expression of Multivalent Pre-S1 Antigen of Hepatitis B Virus in Escherichia coli. Archiv.Immunologiae et Ther.Exp., 39, 357-364, 1991

222.            E.Hrabec, Z.Hrabec, G.Płucienniczak, G.Skorupa, A.Szczepanek, A.Płucienniczak, B.Uznański, A.Wilk, A.Okruszek, M.Koziołkiewicz, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Synthesis of a Gene Encoding Bovine Substance P Precursors and its Expression in Escherichia coli. Gene, 117, 259 1992

223.            L.Woźniak, B.Krzyżanowska, W.J.Stec: New Method of P-Se Bond Cleavage. Stereocontrolled Synthesis of P-Chiral Phosphoric-Trifluoroacetates. J.Org.Chem., 57, 6057-6060 1992

224.            D.R.Lesser, M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Grajkowski, M.Kurpiewski, W.J.Stec, L.Jen-Jacobson: Stereoselective Interaction with Chiral Phosphorothioates at the Central DNA Kink of the Eco RI Endonucleoase-GAATTC Complex. J.Biol.Chem., 267, 24810-24818 1992

225.            M.Koziołkiewicz, W.J.Stec: Application of Phosphate-Backbone Modified Oligonucleotides in the Studies on EcoRI Endonuclease Mechanism of Action. Biochemistry, 31, 9460-9466 1992

226.            B.Uznański, A.Grajkowski, B.Krzyżanowska, A.Kaźmierkowska, W.J.Stec, M.W.Wieczorek, J.Błaszczyk: Stereochemistry of Base-Catalyzed Ring Opening of 1,3,2-Oxathiaphospholanes. Absolute Configuration of 2-N-[(RC)-1(a-naphthyl)ethylamino-2-thiono-1,3,2-oxathiaphospholanes and O,S-Dimethyl-N-(RC)-1-(a-naphthyl)ethyl]phosphoramidothioates. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 114, 10197-10202 1992

227.            A.Okruszek, A.Sierzchała, M.Sochacki, W.J.Stec: The Synthesis of Di- and Oligo (deoxyribonucleoside phosphorodithioates) by Dithiaphospholane Method. Tetrahedron Lett., 33, 7585-7588 1992

228.            W.J.Stec, Z.J.Leśnikowski: Stereospecific Synthesis of P-Chiral Analogues of Oligonucleotides. Invited Chapter for "Oligonucleotide Synthesis Protocols" (S.Agrawal, Ed.) in the Series Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press, Inc., pp. 285-314 1993

229.            I.Fijałkowska, A.Babińska, A.Ligocka, G.Płucienniczak, A.Płucienniczak, W.J.Stec, A.Okruszek, A.Wilk, Cz.S.Cierniewski: Antibodies to Recombinant Fragment 212-276 of Protein C Specifically Recognize the Intact Human Molecule. Biochim.Biophys.Acta, 1161, 187-193 1993

230.            J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec: Stereocontrolled Synthesis of P-Chiral Analogues of Nucleoside Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphates. Reviews on Heteroatom Chem. (Japan) (S.Oae, Ed.) MYU, Tokyo, Vol. 8, 143-164 1993

231.            W.J.Stec: Stereocontrolled Synthesis of P-Chiral Analogues of Oligonucleotides. Invited Chapter in "Antisense Research and Applications", S.T.Crooke and B.Lebleu (Eds.), CRC Press, pp. 251-273 1993

232.            A.Suska, A.Grajkowski, A.Wilk, B.Uznański, J.Błaszczyk, M.W.Wieczorek, W.J.Stec: Antisense Oligonucleotides: Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Phosphorothioate Oligonucleotides. Pure and Applied Chem., 65, 707-714 1993

233.            W.J.Stec, B.Uznański, A.Wilk, B.L.Hirschbein, K.L.Fearon, B.J.Bergot: Bis(O,O-Diisopropoxy Phosphinothioyl)Disulfide - A Highly Efficient Sulfurizing Reagent for Cost-Effective Synthesis of Oligo(Nucleoside Phosphorothioate)s. Tetrahedron Lett., 34, 5317-5320 1993

234.            W.J.Stec, A.Wilk: Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Oligo(nucleoside phosphorothioate)s. Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl., 33, 709-722 1994

235.            K.Misiura, W.J.Stec: The Synthesis of 5'-O-DMT-Thymidine 3'-O-(2-thio-1,3,2-oxaselenaphospholane) and Its Possible Application in Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Oligo(nucleoside phosphorothioate)s. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 4, 1037-1040 1994

236.            L.A.Woźniak, M.Sochacki, H.Mitsuya, S.Kageyama, W.J.Stec: A New Class of Dinucleotide Analogues. The Synthesis of 3'-O-Thymidylyl(5'-deoxy-5'-selene-thymidylyl)-Se-phosphoroselenolate, Its O-Methyl Ester and Methanephosphonate Derivatives. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 4, 1033-1036, 1994

237.            T.Pietrucha, W.J.Stec, A.Okruszek, B.Uznański, M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Wilk, A.Płucienniczak, M.Świątkowska, Cz.S.Cierniewski: The Epidermal Growth Factor - Like Domain from Tissue Plasminogen Activator. Cloning in E.coli, Purification and ESR Studies of its Interaction with Human Blood Platelets. Acta Biochemica Polon., 41, No 1, 25-34 1994

238.            M.Świątkowska, W.J.Stec, A.Płucienniczak, Cz.S.Cierniewski: Expression of a Human PAI-1 Fusion Peptide in E.coli and Its Immunochemical Characterization. Fibrinolysis, 8, 177-181 1994

239.            C.Gonzalez, W.J.Stec, A.Kobylańska, R.Hogrefe, M.Reynolds, T.L.James: Structural Study of a DNA-RNA Hybrid Duplex with a Chiral Phosphorothioate Moiety by NMR: Extraction of Distance and Torsion Angle Constraints and Imino Proton Exchange Rates. Biochemistry, 33, 11062-11072 1994

240.            L.A.Woźniak, J.Pyzowski, M.Wieczorek, W.J.Stec: New Stereospecific Method of Synthesis of [SP]- and [RP]-Dinucleoside-(3',5')Methanephos-phonates. J.Org.Chem., 59, 5843-5846 1994

241.            Z.J.Leśnikowski, D.Zabawska, M.M.Jaworska-Maślanka, R.F.Schinazi; W.J.Stec: Base Catalyzed Transesterification Method for Internucleotide Linkage Formation. New Journal of Chemistry 18, 1197-1204 1994

242.            W.J.Stec: Strategia antysensowych oligonukleotydów. (in Polish). Biotechnologia, 4, 5-15 1994

243.            A.B.Ouryupin, M.I.Kadyko, P.V.Petrovskii, A.Okruszek, R.Kinas, W.Stec, T.A.Mastryukwa, M.I.Kabachnik: 2-Amino-2-oxo-oxazaphosphorinanes. Zhur.Obsh.Khim., 64, 1607-1612 1994

244.            B.Krzyżanowska, W.J.Stec, M.W.Wieczorek, J.Błaszczyk: Synthesis and Assignment of Absolute Configuration of Enantiomeric Dicyclohexyl-ammonium 2-Oxo-2-thioxo-1,3,2-oxathiaphospholane. Heteroatom Chemistry, 5, 533-539 1994

245.            Cz.S.Cierniewski, A.Babińska, M.Świątkowska, M.Wilczyńska, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Inhibition by Modified Oligodeoxynucleotides of the Expression of Type-1 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor in Human Endothelial Cells. European J.Biochem., 227, 494-499 1995

246.            A.Wilk, W.J.Stec: Analysis of Oligo (deoxynucleotide phosphorothioate)s and Their Diastereomeric Composition. Nucleic Acids Res., 23, 530-534 1995

247.            K.Misiura, D.Pietrasiak, W.J.Stec: Dithymidylyl-3',5'-phosphorofluoridates: New Synthesis and Stability under Solvolytic Conditions. J.Chem.Soc., Chem.Commun., 613-614 1995

248.            A.B.Ouryupin, M.I.Kadyko, P.V.Petrovskii, E.I.Fedin, A.Okruszek, R.Kinas, W.J.Stec: Enantiomeric 2-Anilino-2-oxo-1,3,2-oxazaphosphorinanes: Synthesis and NMR-Investigation of Their Non-racemic Mixtures. Tetrahedron:Asymmetry, 6, 1813-1824 1995

249.            C.González, W.Stec, M.A.Reynolds, T.L.James: Structure and Dynamics of a DNA•RNA Hybrid Duplex with a Chiral Phosphorothioate Moiety: NMR and Molecular Dynamics with Conventional and Time-Averaged Restraints. Biochemistry, 34, 4969-4982 1995

250.            J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec, G.M.Blackburn: Synthesis of Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Phosphorofluoridate (cAMP-F). Tetrahedron Lett., 44, 8119-8122 1995

251.            A.Okruszek, A.Sierzchała, K.L.Fearon, W.J.Stec: Synthesis of Oligo (deoxy-ribonucleoside phosphorodithioate)s by the Dithiaphospholane Approach. J.Org.Chem., 60, 6998-7005 1995

252.            L.Benimetskaya, J.L.Tonkinson, M.Koziołkiewicz, B.Karwowski, P.Guga, R.Zelser, W.Stec, C.A.Stein: Binding of Phosphorothioate Oligodeoxy-nucleotides to Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor, Recombinant Soluble CD4, Laminin and Fibronectin is P-Chirality Independent. Nucleic Acids Res., 23, 4239-4245 1995

253.            W.J.Stec, A.Grajkowski, A.Kobylańska, B.Karwowski, M.Koziołkiewicz, K.Misiura, A.Okruszek, A.Wilk, P.Guga, M.Boczkowska: Diastereomers of Nucleoside 3'-O-[2-Thio-1,3,2-oxathia(selena)phospholanes]: Building Blocks for Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Oligo(nucleoside phosphoro-thioate)s. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 117, 12019-12029 1995

254.            M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Krakowiak, M.Kwinkowski, M.Boczkowska, W.J.Stec: Stereodifferentiation - The Effect of P-Chirality of Oligo(nucleoside phosphorothioate)s on the Activity of Bacterial RNase H. Nucleic Acids Res., 23, 5000-5005 1995

255.            Cz.Cierniewski, E.Pluskota, J.Krzesłowska, I.Fijałkowska, A.Kobylańska, M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Inhibition by Modified Oligonucleotides of the Expression of the Type 1 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor in Human Endothelial Cells. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 73, 1007 1995

256.            L.Woźniak, J.Pyzowski, W.J.Stec: New Approach to the Synthesis of Oligo(nucleoside methanephosphonate)s. J.Org.Chem., 61, 879 1996

257.            R.Ramasamy, R.Kanagaratnam, K.Misiura, G.Rębowski, R.Amerakoon, W.J.Stec: Anti-Sense Oligodeoxynucleoside Phosphorothioates Non-Specifically Inhibit Invasion of Red Blood Cells by Malaria Parasites. Biochemical and Biophysical Res.Commun., 218, 930-933 1996

258.            J.Błaszczyk, M.W.Wieczorek, A.Okruszek, A.Sierzchała, A.Kobylańska, W.J.Stec: The Synthesis and X-Ray Structural Studies of 2-Cholesteryl-2-thio-1,3,2-oxathiaphospholane and 2-Cholesteryl-2-thio-1,3,2-dithiaphos-pholane. J.Chem.Cryst., 26(1), 33-41 1996

259.            W.J.Stec, B.Karwowski, P.Guga, K.Misiura, M.Wieczorek, J.Błaszczyk: Stereochemistry of DBU-Assisted Reaction of Nucleoside 3'-O-(2-Thiono-1.3.2-oxathiaphospholanes) with 5'-Hydroxynucleosides. Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, 109-110, 257-260 1996

260.            A.Okruszek, M.Olesiak, W.J.Stec: Dinucleoside (5'®3')-O,S-phosphoro-dithioates - New Class of Dinucleotide Analogues. Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, 111, 713/81 1996

261.            M.R.Kurpiewski, M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Wilk, W.J.Stec, L.Jen-Jacobson: Chiral Phosphorothioates as Probes of Protein Interactions with Individual DNA Phosphoryl Oxygens: Essential Interactions of EcoRI Endonuclease with the Phosphate at pGAATTC. Biochemistry, 35, 8846-8854 1996

262.            K.Misiura, D.Szymanowicz, W.J.Stec: Synthesis and Reactivity of Dithymidylyl-3',5'-phosphorothiofluoridates. Collect.Czech.Chem.Commun., 61, S101-S106 1996

263.            J.Pyzowski, L.A.Woźniak, W.J.Stec: New Method of Preparation of Monomers for Large Scale Sterecontrolled Synthesis of Dinucleoside (3',5') Methanephosphonates. Collection Czech.Chem.Commun., 61, S152-S153 1996

264.            A.Sierzchała, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Oxathiaphospholane Method of Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Diribonucleoside (3',5')-Phosphorothioates. J.Org.Chem., 61, 6713-6716 1996

265.            Cz.S. Cierniewski, Z.Pawłowska, E.Pluskota, M.Stasiak, A.Kobylańska, K.Misiura, A.Maciaszek, M.Koziołkiewicz, W.J.Stec: Antisense Oligonucleotides to PAI-1 mRNA as Potential Agents for Therapeutic Intervention in Cardiovascular Diseases. Biotechnologia, 4, 141-152 1996

266.            W.J.Stec, P.Guga: Perspectives for Medicinal Applications of Synthetic Oligonucleotides: Antisense Technology. Biotechnologia, 4, 91-107 1996

267.            E.Wyroba, Z.Pawłowska, A.Kobylańska, E.Pluskota, M.Maszewska, W.J.Stec, Cz.S.Cierniewski: Internalization of Oligodeoxynucleotides Antisense to Type-1 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor mRNA in Endothelial Cells - A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction by Confocal Microscopy. Biology of the Cell, 87, 37-42 1996

268.            T.Uchimaru, W.J.Stec, S.Tsuzuki, T.Hirose, K.Tanabe, K. Taira: Ab initio Investigation on Nucleophilic Ring Opening of 1,3,2-Oxathiaphospholane: Nucleophilic Substitution at Phosphorus Coupled with Pseudorotation. Chem.Physics Lett., 263, 691-696 1996

269.            M.J.Potrzebowski, J. Błaszczyk, M.W. Wieczorek, K. Misiura, W.J. Stec: The Synthesis, X-Ray and Solid State NMR Studies of N,N-Diisopropylamino-1,3,2l5-oxaselenaphospholane-2-selone. J.Chem.Soc., Perkin Trans.2, 163-168 1997

270.            M.Koziołkiewicz, M.Wójcik, A.Kobylańska, B.Karwowski, B.Rębowska, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Stability of Stereoregular Oligo (nucleoside phosphorothioate)s in Human Plasma. Diastereoselectivity of Plasma 3'-Exonuclease. Antisense and Nucleic Acids Drug Development, 7, 43-48 1997

271.            A.Okruszek, M.Olesiak, D.Krajewska, W.J.Stec: Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of 2'-Deoxyribonucleoside 3'-O- and 5'-O-Phosphorodithioates. J.Org.Chem., 62, 2269-2272 1997

272.            T.Uchimaru, W.J.Stec, K.Taira: Mechanism of the Chemoselective and Stereoselective Ring Opening of Oxathiaphospholanes: An Ab Initio Study. J.Org.Chem., 62, 5793-5800 1997

273.            W.J.Stec, L.A.Woźniak, J.Pyzowski, W.Niewiarowski: Novel Cost-Effective Methanephosphonoanilidothioate Approach to the Stereoselective Synthesis of Dinucleoside (3',5')-Methanephosphonates. Antisense and Nucleic Acid Drug Development, 7, 381-395 1997

274.            Xian-bin Yang, K.Misiura, M.Sochacki, W.J.Stec: Deoxyxylothymidine 3'-O-Phosphorothioates: Synthesis, Stereochemistry and Stereocontrolled Incorporation into Oligothymidylates. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 7, 2651 1997

275.            W.J.Stec, Cz.S.Cierniewski, A.Okruszek, A.Kobylańska, Z.Pawłowska, M.Koziołkiewicz, E.Pluskota, A.Maciaszek, B.Rębowska, M.Stasiak: Stereodependent Inhibition of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type 1 by Phosphorothioate Oligonucleotides: Proof of Sequence Specificity in Cell Culture and In Vivo Rats Experiments. Antisense and Nucleic Acid Drug Development, 7, 567-573 1997

276.            Wł.Buczko, Cz.Cierniewski, A.Kobylańska, M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Okruszek, Z.Pawłowska, E.Pluskota, W.J.Stec: Modulation of Plasminogen Activator Type 1 Biosynthesis In Vitro and In Vivo with Oligo(nucleoside phosphorothioate)s and Related Constructs. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 76, 161-175 1997

277.            Z.Pawłowska, E.Pluskota, E.Chabielska, Wł.Buczko, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec, Cz.S.Cierniewski: Phosphorothioate Oligodeoxyribonucleotides Antisense to PAI-1 mRNA Increase Fibrinolysis and Modify Experimental Thrombosis in Rats. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 79, 348-353 1998

278.            K.Misiura, D.Szymanowicz, W.J.Stec: Synthesis and Chemical and Enzymatic Reactivity of Thymidine 3'-O- and 5'-O-Phosphorofluorido-thioates. Chem.Commun., 1998, 515-516

279.            M.W.Wieczorek, W.R.Majzner, R.Kaczmarek, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec: Crystal and Molecular Structures of Isomeric 2-Morpholino-2-thiono-4-methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinane and 2-Morpholino-2-oxo-4-methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphos-phorinane. Heteroatom Chem., 9, 271-279 1998

280.            B.Gołos, K.Misiura, M.Olesiak, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec, W.Rode: Synthesis and Interaction with Thymidylate Synthase of 5'-Dithiophosphate and 5'-Fluorothiophosphate of Thymidine. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 45, 83-86 1998

281.            P.Guga, M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Oligo(nucleoside phosphorothioate)s. In "Applied Antisense Oligonucleotide Technology", Eds. C.Stein, A.Krieg, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1998, pp. 23-50

282.            K.Misiura, M.Wójcik, A.Krakowiak, M.Koziołkiewicz, Z.Pawłowska, E.Pluskota, Cz.S.Cierniewski, W.J.Stec: Synthesis, Biochemical and Biological Studies of Oligonucleotides Bearing Lipophilic Dimethoxytrityl Group. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 45, 27-32 1998

283.            B.Nawrot, M.Boczkowska, M.Wójcik, M.Sochacki, Sł.Kaźmierski, W.J.Stec: Novel Internucleotide 3'-NH-P(CH3)(O)-O-5' Linkage. Oligo (deoxyribo-nucleoside methanephosphonamide)s; Synthesis, Structure and Hybridization Properties. Nucleic Acids Research, 26, 2650-2658 1998

284.            B.Karwowski, P.Guga, A.Kobylańska, W.J.Stec: Nucleoside 3'-O-(2-oxo-"spiro"-4.4-pentamethylene-1.3.2-oxathiaphospholanes): Monomers for Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Oligo(nucleoside phosphorothioate)s. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 17, 1747-1759 1998

285.            A.Kobylańska, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Application of Oxathiaphospholane Method for the Synthesis of Oligodeoxyribonucleotide 5'-O-Conjugates. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 17, 1977-1982 1998

286.            W.J.Stec, B.Karwowski, M.Boczkowska, P.Guga, M.Koziołkiewicz, M.Sochacki, M.W.Wieczorek, J.Błaszczyk: Deoxyribonucleoside 3'-O-(2-thio- and 2-Oxo-"spiro"-4,4-pentamethylene-1,3,2-oxathiaphospholanes): Monomers for Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Oligo(deoxyribonucleoside phosphorothioate)s and Chimeric PS/PO Oligonucleotides. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 120, 7156-7167 1998

287.            L.A.Woźniak, M.Wieczorek, J.Pyzowski, W.Majzner, W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry of the DBU/LiCl-Assisted Nucleophilic Substitution at Phosphorus in Nucleoside-3’-O-(Se-Methyl methanephosphonoselenolate)s. J.Org.Chem., 63, 5395-5402 1998

288.            W.J.Stec: Antisense Oligonucleotides as Potential Therapeutics. Pol.J.Pharmacol., 50, suppl., 35-36 1998

289.            M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Maciaszek, W.J.Stec, D.Semizarov, L.Victorova, A. Krayevsky: Effect of P-Chirality of Oligo(deoxyribonucleoside phosphoro-thioate)s on the Activity of Terminal Deoxyribonucleotidyl Transferase, FEBS Lett., 434 (1-2), 77-82 1998

290.            M.J.Potrzebowski, J.Błaszczyk, W.R.Majzner, M.W.Wieczorek, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec: X-Ray and High Resolution Selenium-77 Solid State NMR Spectroscopy as Complementary Probes to Structural Studies of Organo-phosphorus Diselenides. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 11, 215-224 1998

291.            L.A.Woźniak, M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Kobylańska, W.J.Stec: Potassium Peroxymonosulfate (Oxone) - An Efficient Oxidizing Agent for Phosphothio Compounds. Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett., 8, 2641-2646 1998

292.            Xian-Bin Yang, A.Sierzchała, K.Misiura, W.Niewiarowski, M.Sochacki, W.J.Stec, M.Wieczorek: The First Stereocontrolled Solid-Phase Synthesis of Di-, Tri- and Tetra[adenosine (2',5') phosphorothioate]s. J.Org.Chem., 63, 7097-7100 1998

293.            Y.Akao, H.Mizoguchi, K.Misiura, W.J.Stec, M.Seto, N.Ohishi, K.Yagi: Antisense Oligodeoxyribonucleotide Against the MLL-LTG19 Chimeric Transcript Inhibits Cell Growth and Induces Apoptosis in an Infantile Leukemia Cell Line Carrying the t(11;19) Chromosomal Translocation. Cancer Res., 58, 3773-3776 1998

294.            L.A.Woźniak, A.Chworoś, J.Pyzowski, W.J.Stec: Base-Dependent Regioselective and P-Sterocontrolled Hydrolysis of Nucleoside 3'-O-(O-2,4,6-Trimethylbenzoyl methanephosphonothioate)s. J.Org.Chem., 63, 9109-9112 1998

295.            P.Furrer, T.M.Billeci, A.Donati, Ch.Kojima, B.Karwowski, A.Sierzchała, W.Stec, T.L.James: Structural Effect of Complete [RP]-Phosphorothioate and Phosphorodithioate Substitutions in the DNA Strand of a Model Antisense Inhibitor-Target RNA Complex. J.Mol.Biol., 285(4) 1609-1621 1999

296.            Xian-bin Yang, K.Misiura, W.J.Stec: Reactivity of Nucleoside 5'-O-Phos-phates, -Phosphorothioates, -Methanephosphonates, and –Methanephos-phonothioates Toward Activated Xylonucleosides. Heteroatom Chem., 10, 91-104 1999

297.            L.A.Woźniak, W.J.Stec: Oxidation in Organophosphorus Chemistry: Potassium Peroxymonosulphate. Tetrahedron Lett., 40, 2637-2640 1999

298.            B.Nawrot, M.Boczkowska, W.J.Stec: [RP] Methanephosphonamidate DNA Backbone Promotes Triplex Formation. Biochimie, suppl. No 6, 243 1999

299.            J.Baraniak, D.Korczyński, W.J.Stec: Synthesis of 2',3'-Dideoxynucleoside-3'-N-(2-oxo-1,3,2-oxathiaphospholanes) and TheirReactions with5’-OH Nucleosides and Fluoride Ion. J.Org.Chem, 64, 4533-4536 1999

300.            M.Boczkowska, B.Nawrot, W.J.Stec: Stereodifferentiation of Triple Helix Formation by P-chiral Chimeric Oligo(deoxyribonucleoside Methanephosphonamidate)s and Double Stranded DNA. J.Biomol.Structure and Dynamics, 16, 1290 1999

301.            M.Boczkowska, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Different  Abilityof Stereoregular Phosphorothioate Oligonucleotides of [PS]-d(CG)4 and [PS]-d(GC)4 Series to Adopt the Z-DNA Form. J.Biomol.Structure and Dynamics, 16, 1291 1999

302.            A.Kobylańska, E.Pluskota, M.Świątkowska, M.Wójcik, A.Cierniewska-Cieślak, A.Krakowiak, M.Boczkowska, Z.Pawłowska, A.Okruszek, M.Koziołkiewicz, Cz.S.Cierniewski, W.J.Stec: Inhibition of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Release in Endothelial Cell Cultures by Antisense Oligodeoxyribonucleotides with a 5’-End Lipophilic Modification. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 46, 679-691 1999

303.            K.Misiura, M.Bollmark, J.Stawiński, W.J.Stec: Studies on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Thymidin-3’-yl thymidin-5’-yl hosphorofluoridates and the Corresponding Phosphorothiofluoridates. Chem.Commun., 1999, 2115-2116.

304.            A.Kobylańska, E.Pluskota, Z.Pawłowska, A.Okruszek, C.S.Cierniewski, W.J.Stec: The Cytotoxicity of Anti-PAI-I Oligonucleotides and Their Conjugates. Nucleosides &  Nucleotides, 18, 1709-1710 1999

305.            W.J.Stec: Nucleoside-O-(2-Thiono-1.3.2-oxathiaphospholane)s - Versatile Tools in the Synthesis of Oligonucleotide Analogues. Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, 144-146, 367-370 1999

306.            L.A.Woźniak, A.Chworoś, W.J.Stec: Mixed Phosphorus-Carboxylic Anhydrides as Synthons for Stereoselective Synthesis of [RP]-Dinucleoside (3',5')-Methanephosphonates. Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, 144-146, 649-652 1999

307.            L.A.Woźniak, A.Chworoś, W.J.Stec: Mixed Phosphorus-Carboxylic Anhydrides as Synthons for Stereoselective Synthesis of [RP]-Dinucleoside (3',5')-Methanephosphonates. Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, 144-146, 649-652 1999

308.            J.Błaszczyk, M.W.Wieczorek, D.Krajewska, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: The Synthesis and  X-Ray Structural Studies of Bis(1,3,2-dithiaphospholane). Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, 147, 295 1999

309.            L.A.Woźniak, A.Chworoś, W.J.Stec: Chemo- and Stereoselectivity of Nucleophilic Substitution in Mixed Phosphorus-Carboxylic Anhydrides. Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, 147, 435 1999

310.            L.A.Woźniak, A.Chworoś, W.J.Stec: Stereoselective Synthesis of [RP]-Dinucleoside (3',5')-Methanephosphonates. Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, 147, 437 1999

311.            J.Baraniak, D.Korczyński, R.Kaczmarek, W.J.Stec: Tetra-Thymidine Phosphorofluoridates via Tetra-Thymidine Phosphoroselenoates: Synthesis and Stability. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 18, 2147-2154 1999

312.            J.Pyzowski, L.A.Woźniak, W.J.Stec: Oligomeric Building Block Approach to the Synthesis of Diastereomerically Pure Pentathymidine 3’,5’-Methane-phosphonates. Organic Letters, 2, 771-773 2000

313.            A.Chworoś, L.A.Woźniak, W.J.Stec: The Synthesis of Unsymmetrical S1-(3’-O-Thymidine-O-Methanephosphonyl)-S2-p-Nitrophenyl Disulfides and Their Reactions with Triphenylphosphine. Tetrahedron Letters, 41, 1219-1222 2000

314.            J.Pyzowski, A.Chworoś, L.A.Woźniak, W.J.Stec: One-Pot Synthesis of Nucleoside 3’-O-(S-Phenyl Methanephosphonates). Tetrahedron Letters, 41, 1223-1226 2000

315.            J.T.Stivers, B.Nawrot, G.J.Jagadeesh, W.J.Stec, S.Shuman: Stereochemical Outcome and Kinetic Effects of Rp and Sp-phosphoro-thioate Substitutions at the Cleavage Site of Vaccinia Type I DNA Topoisomerase. Biochemistry, 39, 5561-5572 2000

316.            M.Warashina, Y.Takagi, W.J.Stec, K.Taira: Differences Among Mechanisms of Ribozyme-Catalyzed Reactions. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 11, 354-362 2000

317.            W.J.Stec, M.Koziołkiewicz: Oligonukleotydy: czy tylko fragmenty kwasów nukleinowych?  Kosmos, 19, 489-501 2000 (in Polish)

318.            X.-B.Yang, K.Misiura, W.J.Stec, M.J.Potrzebowski, S.Kaźmierski, M.Wieczorek, W.R.Majzner, G.D.Bujacz: Nucleophilic N1-N3 Rearrangement of 5’-O-Trityl-O2,3’-cycloanhydrothymidine. Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 19, 1657-1673 2000

319.            J.Baraniak, R.Kaczmarek, W.J.Stec: Conjugation of Amino Acid O-Methyl Esters with AZT-5’-O-Phosphorothioate and –Phosphorodithioate. Tetrahedron Lett., 41, 9139-9142 2000

320.            W.J.Stec, M.Koziołkiewicz, K.Taira: Stereochemical Support for Serratia Endonuclease Active Site Geometry. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72, 1777-1781 2000

321.            W.J.Stec: Tendencje rozwojowe światowej biotechnologii. Biotechnologia, 1(48), 15-30 2000 (in Polish)

322.            P.Guga, K.Domański, W.J.Stec: Oxathiapospholane Approach to the Synthesis of P-Chiral, Isotopomeric Deoxyribonucleoside Phosphorothioates and Phosphates Labeled with Oxygen Isotope. Angewandte Chemie, 40, 610-613 (2001).

323.            B.Nawrot, O.Michalak, S.Olejniczak, M.W.Wieczorek, T.Lis, W.J.Stec: Alkylation of Thymine with 1,2-Dibromoethane. Tetrahedron, 57, 3970-3985 2001

324.            M.J.Potrzebowski, X.-B.Yang, K.Misiura, W.R.Mejzner, M.W.Wieczorek, S.Kaźmierski, S.Olejniczak, W.J.Stec: Synthesis and Structural Studies of SP and RP Diastereomers of Deoxyxylothymidyl-3’-O-acetylthymidyl (3’,5’)-O-(2-cyanoethyl)phosphorothioate in Solution and in the Solid State. Eur.J.Org.Chem., 2001, 1491-1501.

325.            B.Karwowski, A.Okruszek, J.Wengel, W.J.Stec: Stereocontrolled Synthesis of LNA Dinucleoside Phosphorothioate by the Oxathiaphospholane Approach. Bioorg.Med.Lett., 11, 1001-1003 2001

326.            K.Misiura, R.W.Kinas, H.Kuśnierczyk, C.Radzikowski, W.J.Stec: (S)-(-)-Bromofosfamide (CBM-11): Synthesis and Antitumour Activity and Toxicity in Mice. Anti-Cancer Drugs, 12, 453-458 2001

327.            M.Koziołkiewicz, E.Gendaszewska, M.Maszewska, C.A.Stein, W.J.Stec: The Mononucleotide-Dependent, Nonantisense Mechanism of Action of Phosphodiester and Phosphorothioate Oligonucleotides Depends Upon the Activity of an Ecto-5'-Nucleotidase. Blood, 98, 995-1002 2001

328.            M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Owczarek, K.Domański, M.Nowak, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Stereochemistry of Cleavage of Internucleotide Bond by Serrania marcescens Endonuclease. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chem., 9, 2403-2409 (2001).

329.            Z.Pawłowska, E.Chabielska, A.Kobylańska, A.Maciaszek, M.Swiatkowska, W.Buczko, W.J.Stec, C.S.Cierniewski: Regulation of PAI-1 Concentration in Platelets by Systemic Administration of Antisense Oligonucleotides to Rats. Thrombosis Haemostasis, 85, 1086-1089 2001

330.            W.J.Stec: Oxathiaphospholane Approach to Phosphorylation. J. of Tsinghua Univ. (Sci&Tech), 41, 1-7 2001

331.            Y.Takagi, M.Warashina, W.J.Stec, K.Yoshinari, K.Taira: Recent Advances in the Elucidation of the Mechanisms of Action of Ribozymes. Nucleic Acids Res., 29, 1815-1834 2001

332.            J.M.Varnum, J.Baraniak, R.Kaczmarek, W.J.Stec, Ch.Brenner: Di-, Tri- and Tetra-5’-O-Phosphorothioadenosyl Substituted Polyols as Inhibitors of Fhit: Importance of the a-b Bridging Oxygen and b Phosphorus Replacement. BMC Chemical Biology, 1, 3-8 (2001).

333.            A.Okruszek, A.Sierzchała, K.Żmudzka, W.J.Stec: The Synthesis of Dithymidine Boranophosphate by the Oxathiaphospholane Approach. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 20, 1843-1849 2001

334.            A.Chworoś, L.A.Woźniak, W.J.Stec: New Examples of Mixed Seleno-Sulfides; Reactions with Triphenylphosphine. Chem.Commun. 2002, 518-519.

335.            M.Cieślak. J.Niewiarowska, M.Nawrot, M.Koziołkiewicz, W.J.Stec, C.S.Cierniewski: DNAzymes to b1 and b3 mRNA Down-regulate Expression of the Targeted Integrins and Inhibit Endothelial Cell Capillary Tube Formation in Fibrin and Matrigel. J.Biol.Chem., 277, 6779-6787 (2002).

336.            M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Owczarek, M.Wójcik, K.Domański, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Retention of Configuration in the Action of Human Plasma 3’-Exonuclease on Oligo(deoxynucleoside phosphorothioate). A New Method for Assignment of Absolute Configuration at Phosphorus in Isotopomeric Deoxyadenosine 5’-O-[18O]-phosphorothioate. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 124, 4623-4627 (2002).

337.            C.P.Da Costa, D.Krajewska, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec, H.Sigel: Stabilities of Lead(II) Complexes Formed in Aqueous Solution with Methyl Thiophosphate (MePS2-), Uridine 5’-O-thiomonophosphate (UMPS2-) or Adenosine 5’-O-Thiomonophosphate (AMPS2). J. Bioinorganic Chem., 7, 405-415 2002

338.            M.Olesiak, D.Krajewska, E.Wasilewska, D.Korczyński, J.Baraniak, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Thiophosphorylation of Biologically Relevant Alcohols by the Oxathiaphospholane Approach. Synlett 2002, 967-971.

339.            B.Walkowiak, J.Baraniak, C.S.Cierniewski, W.J.Stec: Inhibition of ADP-Triggered Blood Platelet Aggregation by Diadenosine Polyphosphate Analogues. Bioorg.Med Chem. Lett., 12, 1959-1962 (2002).

340.            B.Nawrot, O.Michalak, M.Nowak, A.Okruszek, M.Dera, W.J.Stec: Bis (hydroxymethyl) phosphinic Acid Analogues of Acyclic Nucleosides; Synthesis and Incorporation into Short DNA Oligomers. Tetrahedron Lett., 43, 5397-5400 2002

341.            J.Baraniak, R.Kaczmarek, E.Wasilewska, W.J.Stec: Oxathiaphospholane Approach to the Synthesis of Conjugates of Amino Acids Methyl Esters with Nucleosides. Phosphorus, Sulphur & Silicon, 177(9), 1667-1670 2002

342.            P.Guga, K.Domański, M.Koziołkiewicz, A.Owczarek, W.J.Stec: Synthesis of P-Chiral [18O]-Labeled Isotopomeric Oligo (deoxyribonucleoside phosphorothioate)s and Phosphates. Phosphorus, Sulphur & Silicon, 177(9), 1601-1604 2002

343.            W.J.Stec: Oligo(nucleoside phosphorothioate)s: The Quest of P-Chirality. Phosphorus, Sulphur & Silicon, 177(9), 1775-1778 2002

344.            P.Guga, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Recent Advances in Stereocontrolled Synthesis of P-Chiral Analogues of Biophosphates. In: Topics in Current Chemistry. Vol. 220, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002, J.P.Majoral, Ed., pp. 169-200.

345.            A.Krakowiak, A.Owczarek, M.Koziołkiewicz, W.J.Stec: Stereochemical Course of Escherichia coli RNase H. ChemBioChem, 3, 1242-1250 (2002).

346.            M.Boczkowska, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Stereodefined Phosphorothioate Analogues of DNA: Relative Thermodynamic Stability of the Model PS-DNA/DNA and PS-DNA/RNA Complexes. Biochemistry, 41, 12483-12487 (2002).

347.            R.W.Kinas, A.Okruszek, W.J.Stec: Reinvestigation of the Reaction Between Sodium Diethyl Phosphite and Diethyl Phosphorochloridate. Evidence for a SET Process in the Formation of a Direct P(IV)-P(IV) Bond. Tetrahedron Lett.,  43, 7875-7879 2002

348.            B.Nawrot, S.Antoszczyk, M.Maszewska, G.Rębowski, T.Kuwabara, M.Warashina, K.Taira, W.J.Stec: Modulation of Beta-Secretase Gene Expression by Action of Catalytic Nucleic Acids. Nucleic Acids Res. Supplement No 2, 105-106 2002

349.            T.Inagawa, H.Nakshima, B.Karwowski, P.Guga, W.J.Stec, H.Takeuchi, H.Takaku: Inhibition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Replication by P-stereodefined Oligo(nucleoside phosphorothioate)s in a Long-Term Infection Model. FEBS Lett., 528, 48-52 2002

350.            A.Owczarek, R.Kaczmarek, B.Mikołajczyk, E.Wasilewska, D.Korczyński, J.Baraniak, M.Koziołkiewicz, Ch.Brenner, W.J.Stec: Stereochemical analysis of diastereomeric 1,3-bis(adenosine-5’-o-phosphorothioyl)glycerols. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids  22, 797 2003

351.            M.Tonelli, N.B.Ulyanov, T.M.Billeci, B.Karwowski, P.Guga, W.J.Stec, T.L.James: Dynamic NMR Structures of [RP]- and [SP]-phosphorothioates DNA-RNA Hybrids: Is Flexibility for RNase H Recognition? Biophys.J., 85, 2525-2538 (2003).

352.            B.Nawrot, S.Antoszczyk, M.Maszewska, G.Rębowski, T.Kuwabara, M.Warashina, K.Taira, W.J.Stec: Efficient Inhibition of b-Secretase (BACE) Gene Expression in HEK293T Cells by tRNAVal/CTE-Driven Hammerhead Ribozymes Eur.J.Biochem., 270, 3962-3970 (2003).

353.            A.Guranowski, E.Starzyńska, A.G.McLennan, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec. Phosphoro (thio) adenosylated polyols as strong inhibitors of (symmetrical) and (asymmetrical) dinucleoside tetraphosphates. Biochem.J., 373, 635-640 (2003).

354.            P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Synthesis of Phosphorothioate Oligonucleotides with Stereodefined Phosphorothioate Linkages. Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry, 4.17.1-4.17.28 (2003).

355.            L.A.Wozniak, W.Majzner, W.J.Stec: 2’-OMe-Uridine-3’-yl (3’,5’)-5’-O-(2’-OMe Cytidine)-Methanephsphonothioates – New Building Blocks for Synthesis of Chimeric Oligonucleotides. Arkivoc 2004 (iii) 101-111.

356.            B.Nawrot; O.Michalak, M.Janicka, M.Maszewska, W.J.Stec: Novel Nucleic Acids with a Chimeric Phosphinate/Phosphonate Backbone; Synthesis and Biophysical Properties. Arkivoc 2004 (iii) 151-175.

357.            B.Nawrot, M.Sobczak, M.Maszewska, M.Nowak, W.J.Stec: Oligonucleotides Containing P-Chiral Methanephosphonamidate (3’N-P5’) Linkages – Synthesis, Physicochemical and Biological Properties. In: Frontiers in Nucleic Acids. 2004 (iii) 481-507, Eds. R.F. Schinazi; D.C. Liotta, Informed Horizons, LLC, Tucker, USA.

358.            L.A.Wozniak, W.J.Stec: Methanephosphonate Analogues of Oligonucleotides. In:  Frontiers in Nucleic Acids. 2004 (iii) 509-517, Eds. R.F. Schinazi; D.C. Liotta, Informed Horizons, LLC, Tucker, USA.

359.            M.Cieślak, M.Koziołkiewicz, W.Goss, W.J.Stec. Phosphorothioate Oligodeoxyribonucleotides as Inhibitors of T4 Polynucleotide Kinase Activity. In: Frontiers in Nucleic Acids. 2004 (iii) 457-477, Eds. R.F. Schinazi; D.C. Liotta, Informed Horizons, LLC, Tucker, USA

360.            A.Chworoś, P.Arnaud, K.Zakrzewska, P.Guga, G.Pratviel, W.J.Stec, B.Meunier: Comparison of the Cleavage Profiles of Oligonucleotide Duplexes with or without Phosphorothioate Linkages by Using a Chemical Nuclease Probe. J Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2004, 9, 374-384.

361.            K.Misiura, D.Szymanowicz, M.Olesiak, W.J.Stec: DBU-Assisted 1,3,2-Oxathiaphospholane Ring-Opening Condensation with Selected O-, S-, N- and C-Nucleophiles, Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 45, 4301-4305.

362.            K.Żmudzka, B.Nawrot, T.Chojnacki, W.J.Stec, An Oxathiaphospholane Approach to One-Pot Phosphorothioylation of Oligoprenols, Organic Lett., 6, 1385-1387 (2004).

363.            A.Krakowiak, H.C.Pace, G.M.Blackburn, M.Adams, A.Mekhalfia, R. Kaczmarek, J.Baraniak, W.J.Stec, Ch.Brenner: Biochemical, Crystallographic, and Mutagenic Characterization of Hint, the AMP-Lysine Hydrolase, with Novel Substrates and Inhibitors. J. Biol. Chem., 279, 18711-18716 (2004).

364.            J.Baraniak, R.Kaczmarek, E.Wasilewska, D.Korczyński, W.J.Stec: New Approach to Preparation of N-Acylphosphoramido (thio) (seleno)ates. Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 45, 4269-4272.

365.            K.Kanaori, S.Sakamoto, H.Yoshida, P.Guga, W.Stec, K.Tajima, K.Makino: Effect of Phosphorothioate Chirality on i-Motif Structure and Stability. Biochemistry, 43, 5672-5679 (2004).

366.            M.R.Kurpiewski, L.E.Engler, L.A.Wozniak, A.Kobylanska, M.Koziolkiewicz, W.J.Stec and L.Jen-Jacobson: Mechanisms of Coupling between DNA Recognition Specificity and Catalysis in EcoRI Endonuclease Structure, 12, 1-20 (2004).

367.            K.Misiura, W.J.Stec: Oxathiaphospholane Approach to the Synthesis of Nucleoside Methanephosphonothioates. Synlett, 2143-2146 (2004).

368.            Barbara Nawrot, Olga Michalak, Erik De Clercq, Wojciech J. Stec, Analogues of acyclic nucleosides derived from tris-(hydroxymethyl)phosphine oxide or bis-(hydroxymethyl)phosphinic acid coupled to DNA nucleobases. Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy, 15, 319-328 (2004).

369.            L.A. Wozniak, M. Bukowiecka-Matusiak, S. Mourgues, W.J. Stec Synthesis and Stereochemistry of Dinucleoside (3’,5’)-phosphorothioates. Mechanism of Oximate Removal of the 2-chlorophenyl group. Annals of the Polish Chemical Society, 3, 640-643 (2004).

370.            L. A. Wozniak, M. Janicka, M. Bukowiecka-Matusiak, W.J. Stec P-Chiral Nonionic Analogues of Nucleic Acids-Tools in Molecular Biology and Potential Therapeutics. Annals of the Polish Chemical Society, 3, 656-659 (2004).

371.            D.Błaziak, W.J.Stec: Oxathiaphospholane Approach to the Syntthesis of Macrocyclic Alkylphosphorothioates. Annals of the Polish Chemical Society, 3, 660-663 (2004).

372.            M.Góra, L.A.Wozniak, W.J.Stec: Synthesis of Dinucleoside (3’,5’)-phosphorothioates and Diastereomerically Pure Chimeric Oligonucleotides. Annals of the Polish Chemical Society, 3, 668-671 (2004).

373.            M.Warashina, B.Nawrot, S.Obika, L.Wozniak, T.Kuwabara, T.Imanishi, W.J.Stec, K.Taira:: Effect of Modifications on the Intracellular Activity of a DNA Enzyme. In "Synthetic Nucleic Acids as Inhibitors of Gene Expression: mechanisms, Applications and Therapeutic Implications" 2005 by CRC PRESS LLC (Hauppauge, NY), pp. 95-113.

374.            K.Misiura, D.Szymanowicz and W.J.Stec; Synthesis of Nucleoside a-Thiotriphosphates via an Oxathiaphospholane Approach Org. Lett., 7, 2217-20 (2005).

375.            L.A.Wozniak, M.Gora, M.Bukowiecka-Matusiak, S.Mourgues, G.Pratviel, B.Meunier and W.J.Stec; The P-Stereocontrolled Synthesis of PO/PS-Chimeric Oligonucleotides by Incorporation of Dinucleoside Phosphorothioates Bearing an O-4-Nitrophenyl Phosphorothioate Protecting Group Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2924-30 (2005).

376.            B.Nawrot, B.Rebowska, K.Cieslinska and W.J.Stec; New Approach to the Synthesis of Oligodeoxyribonucleotide Modified with Phosphorothioates of Predetermined Sense of P-Chirality. Tetrahedron Lett, 46, 6641-44 (2005).

377.            P.Guga, A.Maciaszek and W.J.Stec; Oxathiaphospholane Approach to the Synthesis of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides Containing Stereodefined Internucleotide Phosphoroselenoate Function Org. Lett, 7, 3901-04 (2005).

378.            R.Nagarajan, K.Kwon, B.Nawrot, W.J.Stec and J.T.Stivers; Catalytic Phosphoryl Interactions of Topoisomerase IB Biochemistry, 44, 11476-85 (2005).

379.            J.L.Clark, L.Hollecker, J.C.Mason, L.J.Stuyver, P.M.Tharnish, S.Lostia, T.R.McBrayer, R.F.Schinazi, K.A.Watanabe, M.J.Otto, P.A.Furman, W.J.Stec, S.E.Patterson, K.W.Pankiewicz; Design, Synthesis, and Antiviral Activity of 2-Deoxy-2-fluoro-2-C-methylcytidine, a Potent Inhibitor of Hepatitis C Virus Replication J. Med. Chem, 48, 5504-08 (2005).

380.            B. Nawrot, K. Widera, M. Wójcik, K. Cieślinska, B. Rębowska, W. J. Stec: Phosphorothioate Modified DNAzymes. Coll. Symp. Series, 7, 375-378 (2005)

381.            P. Guga, A. Maciaszek, W. J.Stec: Oxathiaphospholane Approach to the Synthesis of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides Containing Stereodefined Internucleotide Phosphoroselenoate Function. Coll. Symp. Series 7, 167-171 (2005)

382.            P.Guga, B. Karwowski, D. Błaziak, M. Janicka, A. Okruszek, B. Rębowska, W. J. Stec: Cyclization versus oligomerization of SP- and RP-5’-OH-N4-benzoyl-2’-deoxycytidine-3’-O-(2-thio-4,4-pentamethylene-1,3,2-oxathiaphospholane)s. Tetrahedron, 62(11), 2695-2704 (2006).

383.            B.Nawrot, M.Sobczak, M.Wójcik, M.Janicka, M.Nowak, M.Cypryk, W.J.Stec: A novel class of DNA analogs bearing 5'-C-phosphonothymidine units: synthesis and physicochemical and biochemical properties. Oligonucleotides, Spring;16(1), 68-82 (2006).

384.            P.Guga, M.Boczkowska, M.Janicka, A.Maciaszek, B.Nawrot, S.Antoszczyk, W.J.Stec: Enhanced P-stereodependent stability of complexes formed by phosphorothioate oligonucleotides due to involvement of sulfur as strong hydrogen bond acceptor. Pure Appl. Chem., 78(5), 993-1002 (2006).

385.            L.A.Wozniak, M.Bukowiecka-Matusiak, M.Gora, W.J.Stec: One-Pot Synthesis of Dinucleoside (3’,5’)methanephosphonothioates and Their Seleno Congeners via the Phosphonotriazolidite Approach. Synlett, No. 9, pp 1331-1334 (2006).

386.            B.Nawrot, K.Widera, M.Wojcik, B.Rębowska, G.Nowak, W.J.Stec: Mapping of the functional phosphate groups in the catalytic core of deoxyribozyme 10–23 B. FEBS Journal, 274, 1062-1072 (2007).

387.            M.Wójcik, M.Cieślak, W.J.Stec, J.W.Goding, M.Koziołkiewicz: Nucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase is Responsible for Degradation of Antisense Phosphorothioate Oligonucleotides. Oligonucleotides, 17, 134-145 (2007).

388.            P. Guga, M. Boczkowska, M. Janicka, A. Maciaszek, S. Kuberski, W. J.Stec: Unusual Thermal Stability of RNA/[RP-PS]-DNA/RNA Triplexes Containing a Homopurine DNA Strand. Biophys. J., 92(7), 2507–2515 (2007).

389.            A. Krakowiak, R. Kaczmarek, J. Baraniak, M. Wieczorek, W. J. Stec: Stereochemistry of rHint1 hydrolase assisted cleavage of P-N bond in nucleoside 5’-O-phosphoramidothioates. Chem. Commun., 21, 2163–2165 (2007).

390.            Wozniak LA, Gora M, Stec WJ: Chemoselective activation of nucleoside 3'-O-methylphosphonothioates with 1,3,5-triazinyl morpholinium salts Journal of Organic Chemistry 72 (22): 8584-8587 (2007).

391.            Pecherzewska R, Krakowiak AD, Kazmierczak J, Maszewska M, Stec WJ: Cellular uptake and subcellular distribution of ApnA family of signaling molecules FEBS 274, 97 (2007).

392.            Wozniak LA, Gora M, Kaminski Z, Stec WJ: Activation of methylphosphonates and their thio- and seleno congeners with 1,3,5-triazinyl morpholinium salts. Selenono-selenolo isomerization Phosphorus Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements 183 (4): 1076-1081 (2008).

393.            Stec WJ, Maciaszek A, Guga P: Selenium-derivatized oligonucleotides Phosphorus Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements 183 (4): 897-907 (2008).

394.            Krakowiak A, Pecherzewska R, Maszewska M, Kazmierczak J, Stec WJ, Nawrot B: Transport and cellular localization of Ap(n)A nonhydrolyzable fluorescent analogs, potential therapeutic molecules FEBS 275, 336 (2008).

395.            Nawrot B, Rebowska B, Michalak O, Bulkowski M, Blaziak D, Guga P, Stec WJ: 1,3,2-Oxathiaphospholane approach to the synthesis of P-chiral stereodefined analogs of oligonucleotides and biologically relevant nucleoside polyphosphates Pure and Applied Chemistry 80 (8): 1859-1871 (2008).

396.            D.Blaziak, A.Jagiello, A.Pietkiewicz, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Oxathiaphospholane Ring-Openning Condensation: from Oligo(nucleoside phosphorothioate)s to P-chiral Analogues of Nucleoside Polyphosphates Coll. Symp. Series Chemistry of Nucleic Acid Components, XIV Symposium , Cesky Krumlov, June 08-13, Ed. M. Hocek (IBSN 80-86241-25-4) 10, 124-132 (2008).

397.            K.Kulik, R.Kaczmarek, E.Radzikowska, D.Korczynski, W.J.Stec, J.Baraniak Synthesis of N-Acyl Phosphoramidate Pronucleotides Coll. Symp. Series Chemistry of Nucleic Acid Components, XIV Symposium , Cesky Krumlov, June 08-13, Ed. M. Hocek (IBSN 80-86241-25-4) 10, 386-388 (2008).

398.            D.Blaziak, A.Jagiello, A.Pietkiewicz, P.Guga, W.J.Stec: Oxathiaphospholane Approach to the Synthesis of Nucleoside 5’-O-[a-phosphorothio-b-alkanephosphonate] Anhydrides Coll. Symp. Series Chemistry of Nucleic Acid Components, XIV Symposium , Cesky Krumlov, June 08-13, Ed. M. Hocek (IBSN 80-86241-25-4) 10, 320-321 (2008).

399.            A. Guranowski, A.M.Wojdyla, M.Pietrowska-Borek, P.Bieganowski, E.N.Khurs, M.J.Cliff, G.M.Blackburn, D.Blaziak, W.J.Stec: Fhit proteins can also recognize substrates other that dinucleoside polyphosphates FEBS Letters 582, 3152-3158 (2008).

400.            B. Nawrot, K. Widera, M. Sobczak, M. Wojcik, W. J. Stec: Effect of RP- and SP-phosphorothioate substitution at the scissile site on the cleavage activity of deoxyribozyme Current Org. Chem. 12(12), 1004-1009 (2008).

401.            B.Nawrot, N. Paul, B. Rebowska, W. J. Stec: Significance of Stereochemistry of 3’-Terminal Phosphorothioate-Modified Primer in DNA Polymerase-Mediated Chain extension Mol. Biotech. 40(2), 119-126 (2008).

April, 2009

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